Monday, September 3, 2007

Postings Feb 17th - Mar 12th 2007

Counter sue CAIR
Monday, March 12, 2007 10:47 PM
Just read where those six beligerrent 'imams' on that US Air flight are going to sue US Airways, and that 'CAIR' backing them all the way. This is just more PROOF that CAIR does not care about America. That CAIR does not care about the hundred of thousands of Americans that have died over the past 230 plus years to build and save the United States. CAIR is an enemy to the U.S. Constitution and the American way of life. CAIR is an enemy to the freedoms of mankind to worship under any other religion than Islam, or to chose not to worship at all. That is something the thick heads on the left really had better wake up to fast before they find all of their rights and lives have been taken by the likes of CAIR. Following this ridiculous law suit, someone had better counter sue CAIR and those they're really religious persons, for if they were, MONEY would mean nothing.....but fund terrorism, to fund murder against all non-muslims, they need money. A true religous person would not seek money. Does a priest, rabbi, pastor, sue for money???!!!! NO. It's against God's will to seek monetary influence, monetary advantage, or any other form of money other that what one earns from providing a service and/or work. This is very important here - no true religious leader would seek money!!!!! In God's eyes, that a sin. Also more proof that Islam and the Western societies, do not mix.
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Islam again..attacks Euro-Caucasions
Sunday, March 11, 2007 1:21 PM The first link is a TownHall article on how Islamic militants (not Christian, Buddist, Hindu, Atheist, Pagan, Wiccan, nor anyone else)...but Islamic...that is muslims...are threatening to attack...and kill...Germans and Austrians.'ve made your problem the worst with such 'liberal' immigration policies by letting the wolf in the sheeps pen and locking the gate behind it, better hope there's some stout 'rams' to take that wolf out.,,21359122-662,00.html Second link comes from Down Under in Australia where they've done the same stupid thing as Western Europe by allowing so many 'muslims' in that do not assimilate to the culture. Luckily, they're on an island and can take care of that problem post haste. Here's an exerpt from that second link that is pretty telling to all Westerner's, especially people living in South Florida and California:
The book prescribes stoning for adultery and drinking alcohol and advocates flogging for casual sex. Can you imagine the number of people that would be flogged in just those two areas??? Keep your head in the sand and allow the influence of Islam into your community and see what happens. I said it before and it's worth repeating: Islam is uncompatible with living in any Western society. Muslims have the whole Middle East and parts of South East Asia (those are relative to strong cultural norms though), but if Muslims insist on persecuting anyone outside of their religion, changing the governmental institutions of countries, prohibiting the rights of man to enjoy their own personal freedoms as they chose, wish, desire, and work for.....than Islam does not belong and will not ever co-exist in all historical non-muslim lands, territories, and countries. Not with death coming first in the forms of executions, murders, and outright warfare. Let me ask you this dear reader: all muslims have to learn arabic languages in order to pray to God when all other races, creeds, and nationalities can pray in their own languages???? Do you think God is incapible of understanding anything except arabic?? To me, this is nothing short of a 'control' used to discriminate against outsiders. The only other languages you hear coming out of mosques are political rantings of hate against non-muslims. Then if they pray in a language outside of arabic, farsi, whaterver....often the message is interwoven with arabic words still. There is a war now, a world war and it's three dimensional. Muslim v. Muslim v. The Rest of the World. Guys like Chavez, Putin, and Kim are just maniacal dictators bent on their own power trip and are unable to see the big World picture of problems that face mankind. Bad enough we have climate change going on, some meteor that is going to past really really close to Earth in about twenty - thirty years....sidebar: there have been a whole lot of stories of small meteors lately hitting the earth, homes, cars, wide open spaces....just above what was the 'norn' though. Then there's Islam. If it wasn't for the oil money that has given the radicals the financing to back their war on the World......they still might be just killing each other over clan and tribal fights that started two thousand years ago. But now it's the Crusades they use or some trumped up massacre in 1967 during a 'war' they started. Islam - the religion of peace, love, and tolerance...for arab muslims only though.
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Gathering clouds over Israel
Saturday, March 10, 2007 7:14 PM Seems many stories on the various news wires indicate the building of belligerent forces arrayed against Israel. Hezbollah has been rearmed by Syria and Iran. Syria has built Hezbollah-type guerilla forces near the Golan Heights. Hamas has been building it's terrorist militia under the same organization and tactics as Hezbollah. N Now Israel is warning it's citizens to get out of Egypt and Jordan, this following a propaganda campaign by Egyptian Islamo Fascist to foment war. The EIF is using proganda about the 1967 War that was started by countries governed under Islam against Israel and lost by the aggressors. Now, here again lies the truth behind dealing with Muslims, they use history as an kill. They don't use history to learn, to become better human beings, they use to kill. Period. All indications appear to be concluding the same....radical Islam wants to war upon the people of Israel...again. There was recently a large meeting between the Arab-Gulf States and this must have been a finalized signal to start this next blunder into madness for radical Islam. The only hope is that Israel will strike back so severely that radical Islam will cease to exist and that the United States had better help Israel since no one else in the World will aid Israel. With some irony, I just finished watching the History Channel's 'Last Stand of the 300' which was the Persian's invasion of Greece and eventual burning of Athen's. Xerxes was planning that invasion for over ten years....again....Muslims using anything as an excuse to invade and kill. Guess it's a historical thing. (That was a great show, I highly recommend watching it.) Back to today.....something more than Iraq is about to burst. If you've noticed dear reader, no one is the Middle East has been doing anything majorly pro-active to stop the wave of violence in Iraq and Afghanistan other than the U.S. and some token NATO forces. All we've heard is talk talk talk.....and in the day of living, talk is cheap these days...deeds are everything.
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The lesson: Money talks
Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:41 PM Education, though I lack a scholarly one myself, is very important to me for the very same reasons that they are to Bill Gates. The United States is dumbing down every year it's own citizens in order to please the more left, lenient, and Californized system and populace. We may hear reports put out to the press about how our children are learning more, have higher grades, ecetera ecetera, but the truth is before your eyes and ears. Every time you go out in public and deal with anyone under, I dare say, thirty, you can recognize the lack of education. Most pronouncely it is the simple speech you hear. Every sentence sounds like a question, with the most pronounced inflection heard at the end of a sentence. Often, the majority of a sentence will include at least a fourth of the words in slang terms. Incorherient jibberish is sometimes all one hears. I heard on the radio that about 80% of our workforce is customer service orientated. I just went online to look at the Federal Bureau of Labor and Statistics, (you need to do this too dear reader - remember, I'll show you where the mountain is but won't climb it for you) and the ten occupations with the largest job growth between 2004 and 2014 are all customer service related. Five of those ten need only 'short term on the job training' to accomplish which fits nicely into the current U.S. education system and American mentality. American Idol by the way, is the most watched program on TV. What Bill Gates is now saying to America, is that America needs people from other countries to do the more brain work occupations because Americans are too lazy to learn and consequently, stupid. Well, I said that, but it's true. But it takes someone with money to get the attention of Congress to hopefully wake up from their constant campaigning for their next election to take action now. There's that new show, Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader....that's proving, very proving of our educational system. California, which has over the past forty years, has become more of a cancer to the United States with it's onslaught of overly liberal lifestyle and mentality, now wants to do away with homework for school children. Better they sit at home with their parents and watch American Idol than learn anything usual. And people wonder why Oprah built a school in South Africa. It's because she's smart and she realizes and knows that American children no longer appreciate education and there will have to be someone in the future to save mankind from itself. It won't be the California yaa...oral sex is not sex, like - everyone is doing it. I had on Hannity and Colms a while ago and they were discussing something about prisons in, where else, California and a scroll on the bottom said that about five thousand inmates might be set free. If America had a true education system, our entire country would be more productive, not so self destructive. It all adds together. Headlines on Fox News: Man burns genitals in 'JackAss' stunt, most Gen Y and Xer's have watched these JackAss movies which helped propel this idiotic movie into sequels. Student invents beer tossing machine. What is the biggest passtime of our largest babysitting institutions? Drinking alcohol. Anna Nichole....geez, didn't we get enough already?? Repeating myself from other posts in the past, watch Jay Leno's Jay Walking or Hannity's man on the street and see and hear America. No wonder the World hates us, we're not only weak in conviction, we're stupid too.
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Venezuela - press hard now
Thursday, March 08, 2007 7:29 PM Now there's an interesting article about Chavez and his state of mind. Paranoia to be precise. He had a retired Venezuelan General (Gen. Ramon Davila) arrested for supposably organizing a military coup against Chavez. Now is the time to press hard against Chavez, he's already beginning to lose control of Venezuela if has to start arresting leading figures on bogus charges. Now is the time for the free world to show the Venezuelan people, how Chavez has taken away their liberties, their rights to self determination, their rights as individuals. Chavez is leading Venezuela into a bloody civil if not regional war with his massive arms build up and this must be shown to the Venezuelan people. Now is the time for action against a ruthless dictator before countless numbers of innocent people are killed removing a mad man.
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Listening to radio
Wednesday, March 07, 2007 10:36 PM
It's late again, my better half is already heading to bed and I just had to check the online news and saw the story about Rush Limbaugh: The caller, Barbara was half right in her question of what is Rush doing. We in the trenches of life, listen to the radio and hear the very few who are on and able to have a national audience, wait to hear words of real value. Words that not only excite, but direct and words that we know, hey, this person is for real and we're going to go do something together. I know....what Rush's problem stems from with his audience. He talks often tongue in cheek and sometimes it's hard to discern when he's being really actual about his feelings or is this just another parody on a news item. Rush is not the only one. Sean Hannity will get into a story and then he'll say something about he's mad as a teapot ready to blow....usually his choice of words are along those lines. So it's hard to take him seriously, okay Sean, you're go really do something about it like get into someone's face, start a masssive protest, get arrested, show conviction! It's along those lines that listeners, including myself, would really want to 'see' the talk show gallery do. I have Neal's book now, bought it the other day - your welcome Neal - and am currently reading it and will, if I think it's good, make it mandatory family reading this spring, especailly for my group of twentysomethings. There's a whole lot of people talking on the radio, listening can get one a headache sometimes because we do get caught up in the emotion of the topic at times. I tried Air America....Bush lied, people died....that's bascially all you hear. No wonder it went belly up. I know another reason too but I'll see how smart the left is if they can figure it out. After all, they have the 'priviledge' college education backing them up. Me, I'm just a guy in the trenches, or on a wire, getting a birds eye view of it all. But I must make one thing most importantly clear to everyone. Rush Limbaugh saved talk radio and gave it the shot in the heart to keep it alive and kicking. That's why he's earned the title, the Godfather of talk radio. Honor il nostro Godfather con rispetto quotidano. Talk radio has given the average American a platform to voice his/her opinion, make sure you, average American, ensure this is not taken away by the 'socialist'. (Sidebar: I hate the term liberal for Democrats or leftist, they are what they are socialist.) Vote and make sure every vote that comes up counts, matters, and is won by the 'right' persons. As Rush pointed out: elections have consequences. I loved the term he came up with today about the drive by media. ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, NYT, LAT, WP, etc.....they are the 'Branch Offices of the DNC'. That is so so so true. That's another blog for another time. Last bit....listen to Greg Knapp if you have him on your radio dial. New guy in my raido area, I liked what I heard.
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On the air today
Monday, March 05, 2007 11:10 PM
You drive down the road, flip the channels on the radio to hear what's going on. What a difference a day makes it's said. I heard Hillary (aka Mrs. Bill Clinton ala Rush) today trying to sound 'southern' and 'black' while in Selma. And she want's to be our President??!! Then there's Obama....same place..Selma, trying for the first time in his public speaking engagements, trying to sound like he's from the 'hood'. Wonder how he'll pronounce his words tomorrow when he's 'axed' a question. You Democrats, you better find some better candidates asap if you seriously want someone to sit in the White House in '09. Someone who is 'real' in all of their character and intentions, not playing to the current crowd with voice inflections and sound bites. What are they going to do in a real crisis?? Pretend some more?? I was listening and saw some reports about the military health care of our Veterans. I posted on the forum about it a few days ago but will let you know what I know. I went through a navy mediical school in '95. Part of our training was to go to the VA Hospital in North Chicago at night for a few hours of 'OJT'. It was more of an observation time for me since that training cycle was totally FUBAR. But I"m glad it was because what I saw. I saw our Vet's in the most horrible conditions, something one would expect maybe out of some back woods retirement home operated and inspected by in laws. I thought, please just shoot me if I ever end up in a place like this. Guys in wheel chairs, gurneys, staked against walls, dim or no lighting, dank musty odors. Sadly, I don't even remember conversing with any of those vets, I"m not sure if they could talk or maybe being in that place, they closed their minds to salvage some sort of inner sanity. There were no nurses, staff, no one to task us with something...which is why I said, it was FUBAR. My only impression was that I hated that place and felt so deeply sorry for those guys. I'm sure they had the same thought as I did, just shoot me and put me out of this misery. That was in 1985. It's now 2007 and there's all this whoop and hollaring going on in D.C. and a huge media circus about the VA, MTF's, and Walter Reed. There's all this finger pointing and generals and Secretary's being fired. What I want to know is this....where were you all in 1985??!!! when this all existed then??!!! Where was the media?? Where was the Congress? Why has it taken so long to fix a problem that has existed even long before 1985?? I did twenty one years in the military, these and many other problems existed back then and still do today. Here's the's the enlisted personnel that have to endure and suffer.....always the soldier who sacrifices the most and is shunned in the end by those he served. The feigned concern today makes me want to puke. What's the difference between Rome in 395 and D.C. in 1995? A few centuries is about it, but both marked years that real division came to each 'empire'. Rome split into two empires in 395 and never regained it's status of a united Roman Empire. In D.C., during the first term of Bill Clinton and his 'feel' good Administration marked by social experiments, the populace reacted by putting in a majority Republican congress and this Nation has remained divided since. By the actions of the Candidates this past weekend, the Congress and Media, history is proving again, that if one fails to learn the first time, we're doomed to repeat it again, and we are.
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New Orleans Law suit
Sunday, March 04, 2007 10:29 PM
Well, it seems that Ray Nagin and others within the City of New Orleans think that the American tax payers 'owes' them. To a tune of 77 Billion....yes Billion..dollars. You owe dear reader, I owe them. The lawsuit is naming the Army Corps of Engineers as the defendent. But who really pays the ACE it's do...Mr./Mrs./Miss Average American with your tax dollars. No what I"ve learned over the years is that New Orleans is below sea level, which in common sense parlay means, it has the very real potential to flood. What I"ve also heard is that those levees were old and needed rebuilding and replacement. That is what, I, an outsider, knew. What we as a Nation have heard over and over is that Lousiana is synonomous with corruption at the political level. What we as a Nation witnessed is that Lousiana at the political level, is incompetent. Now greed, pure and simple greed, is driving a law suit that is going to try to suck the tax payers money into private personal banking accounts for those same corrupt and incompetent lawyers and politicians. This is the easy thing for them to do..sue America. The hard thing would be to role up the sleeves and do the work that needs to be done themselves as a City and State. The best cartoon which I am unable to locate at the moment, is the one of New Orleans sitting in a toilet bowl, which pretty much says it all about the whole situation. New Orleans had the chance to build a truely 'new' and modern city, but blew it. They could have built a new city at a level 'above sea level' and kept the old city for industrial uses only. So now, New Orleans and it's citizens have only themselves to blame when once again, the sea shall rise and claim the land that is 'below' it's own level. But as this lawsuit goes forth, Mayor Nagin and the entire group of plantiffs should have to pay the court especially after the time and money on this waste of time is spent.
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Required watching before election
Saturday, March 03, 2007 10:57 PM
Tonight, the 'family' and I sat down and ate an awesome ice cream banana split for supper ( so up yours food nazi's) and we watched Robin Williams in "Man of the Year". It was a much better movie than the previews led on to be...which I am thankful for, most previews actually ruin a movie. This movie, is a must see for all who vote, run for office, work for the candidates. Why. Because it will make you think most importantly about voting. It also addresses the very sticky issue of electronic voting machines...which I deplore because there is nothing full proof about computer programs. Nothing. It also will give you thoughts about candidates themselves and the issues. The movie was well written and made. Our 'Me-Generationer' said that was a good movie after we finished watching it. I thought on a few things afterwards about elections and the whole process itself. The country has recently had two President's serve back to back terms of 8 years. Both started off great but both are going to go down in history as with much baggage at the end of their terms. Our Fore Fathers when they wrote out the terms, reasons, and laws governing elections, results, and terms did the best thing next to perfect. But what suited them in their time in history is not quite been suiting us in our time. The only thing I would propose different is term limits. A President should be elected and have only a one term seating of six years. Senators and Congressmen should have each a four year term with a limit of twelve years in all. No one person should be eligible to run for a Federal elected office after those term limits are met. This would eliminate the 'career' politician whose only real reason for continous appointment is purely for power. I repeat...purely for the lust of POWER. The reason those positions exist are for the representation of the people and/or States. Serving beyond twelve years, people succum to the position and it's perks as a right of theirs v. a duty to uphold. Our Country suffers because of that system and those people who lust only for power and position, not for service of the Country. There is a great line at the end of the movie: "Politicians are a lot like diapers, they should be changed frequently and for the same reasons." Think about it, it's true.
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Carbon what??!!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 5:33 PM
For the past few weeks I've been hearing new catch phrases such as 'carbon neutral', carbon imprint, carbon shares, carbon much more stupid can American's get...and then something like this comes out. Our troops are fighting for their very lives in Afghanistan and Iraq in the real world, and here, because of Hollyweird, people are trading in a fictitious stock. Stop the insanity as Ann said. Hollywoodista's are the biggest users and abusers of all natural resources. Big homes, big autos, private jets, elaborate feel good parties, buying clothes they don't need, merchandize they use once and throw it out, etc etc etc. And they want common American people to cut back?? Give me a break. Carbon neutral - how dumb can someone get.
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Get out of my life!!
Monday, February 26, 2007 11:19 PM
It's late, so I"ll make this short and sweet. To all of you polticial correctonauts, to all of you food nazis, to all of you radical islamo-fascist, to all of you in my face with your sexual orientation, to all of you in my ear with your vulgar and anti-social rap noise (it's not music if you have to use vulgarity in every stanza)....GET OUT OF MY LIFE. If a person is stupid, I"m calling him stupid.......handing a bank teller a note to rob a bank and wait outside for the teller to come're stupid. If I want to eat a huge serving of Olive Garden bread and soup and anti-pasta before I get my meal....I"m going to. Trans fat embargo......New're stupid. Food is the one thing all humans enjoy, but some people with too much time on their hands are deciding otherwise for the rest of us. I don't think so. They're stupid. If your 'gay', fine, I don't care, be gay, be straight, be nothing....I don't care...just don't force it on anyone or try to change my thoughts or ruin my day out in public by you doing what ever should be done in private. To the person who can do this - you will become an millionaire overnight. Develope a machine, kind of like the robots from the movie - Runaway (Tom Selleck,Gene Simmons) that will home in on cars playing loud 'base' music which 90% of the time is vulgar rap music. Once this machine homes in on the vibrations, it attaches to the car and sends an electrical 'shock' into the car burning out the car's electrical system. Since law enforcement everywhere is either too overwhelmed to enforce noise ordinances, or too understaffed (wasn't Bill Clinton's promise to put 300,000 cops on the streets of the U.S?). To Islam - history has proven over and over, that people that enslave others eventually end up dead. Stay in the Middle East, live in happiness there, the rest of the World is for the rest of the people. I thought this was America, a country of freedom, but a country of laws and law abiding citizens and a country built around common sense. WTF happened??!! I have an idea, much of it can be traced to simple greed if you step back and look at it. Be it power or money. I know I'm not the only one feeling this way, I just happen to have a blog to vent on tonight. Hey food nazis, I had a bowl of ice cream (the 'extra creamy' kind) with chocolate fudge topping, after my pork chop supper. KMA!!!
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Dem are traitors
Friday, February 23, 2007 9:56 PM
Dem are not, 'dem are too. L I B, dem r traitor. Years ago there was an advertisement that my friends joked about (I was deployed overseas and missed it since this happened - back in the day). Everything I'm hearing coming out of the Democrat(ic)s mouths sounds nothing short of treason. I and the troops no doubt, are honestly feeling that the U.S. Military is entirely expendable for political expedience sake to the Democrat(ic)s. I heard a soldier back from Iraq on leave on the radio today, talking about how he and his fellow soldiers are feeling more and more betrayed by the Democratz and some Republicant turncoats. You know what they hear, we hear it daily, hourly. What cracks me up is that so many in Congress think they know war strategy, but in reality, they are playing right into the hands of the Islamo-Fascist. (That's the terrorist enemy for you politico-correcto types. ) It seems the whole Western World is growing fearful of Iran and the terrorist groups, which is the very wrong thing to show a society that bases it's thinking on 13th Century ideology. Strength and determination are the only two things that will ever gain any respect from them to anyone outside of their culture. But as the headlines scream, Speaker of the House Pelosi, Sen Obama are both in open hostilities with the Vice much for professional lady and gentlemen decorum. Our Fore Fathers, locked themselves in small closed rooms and worked out their differences. The few that stood on steps and shouted were justly shunned in the end by their peers and the people. Hard to find a difference between the actions of the leaders of the DNC and Britney Spears using an umbrella on KFed's car. Here's a thought for you dear reader, and this can apply across a broad spectrum of comparisons. Our Fore Fathers acted, spoke, and wrote very eloquently, they learned from 'reading books' and using ink and qwill-bird feather pens, using natuarl light, candles, oil lamps to see by. Just think about that. They created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States....all without a computer or ball point pens, electricity, or Starbucks coffee. They were giants compared to us. But the legacy that we're leaving, that today's Congress is leaving, is childish behavior and defeatism. Makes me sick and do you think I have any respect for those in Congress save a few?? How about you?
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Americans - screw you by Pelosi and DNC
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 7:16 PM
Old news but worth talking about and keeping on the burner.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is touting congressional Democrats' push to make college more affordable for young people, including those without legal residency.Everything in that statement I agree with and support except...."those without legal residency'. There are hundreds of thousands of bred, born, and raised American kids, of all races, that need help, financially, to get a good education. First and foremost I can think of are the American Indians, the one group of people who for generations, have been neglected by the people of the very country to which, they, most of all, have generational rights to claim. We can't change history, but we can effect the future and correct a past mistake now. Helping and especially paying for illgeal immigrants is only going to fuel the fire of illegal immigration and is only going to add to the debt of the true, honest, hard working Americans. Playing poltiics with illegal immigration WILL hurt this Nation in the long run. If there's a nation left in a few years if this form of insanity continues. What's wrong with this picture?
WASHINGTON — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who stripped embattled Rep. William Jefferson of his seat on a powerful tax committee last year, is expected to appoint him to the Homeland Security panel, infuriating some Republicans who charge he may be a security risk.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), who yanked embattled Rep. William J. Jefferson off a powerful tax committee last year, has decided to put him on the Homeland Security panel, aides to the Louisiana Democrat confirmed yesterday.Speaker of the House....Nancy Pelosi, last year stripped this guy from a tax committee now wants to put him on the most important panel the US has today!?? This is a prime, just prime example of her leadership abilities, leadership judgement, and what the U.S. would be in for if the worst case senerio ever happened...God forbid!!If even the DNC goes along with this insanity will be proof positive that the DNC has no alligence to the American people, the Constitution, and even freedom itself. Put a known criminal on our Nation's security.....that is just plain stupid and borderline treasonous.
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AnnaNichole-The Reality Show continues
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:38 PM
Okay, granted, my legal expertise is limited to only my exposure to being in court a few times for someone else's infraction and one of my own as a youth. Then as most American's, what I see on TV. But this afternoon, the only time I had by chance, to watch the A.N. 'right to bury' trial, I'm almost left speechless. That was probably the most 'unprofessional' conduct I"ve ever witnessed from 'a judge'!! How, who, why...was that man put behind a bench to warrant out justice???!!! That whole bit I watched was nothing short of a circus. It seemed like it was just a reality show continued. How could any jury take any of it seriously?? The prosecution attorney's seemed like they were the only ones who had their act together as professionals.I felt like hearing the 'judge' keep questioning the witness, that the rule of law, the right to fair trial, and eveything I"ve known about law was thrown out the window for the sake of TV ratings. If the Supreme Court of Florida, the Governor's office, someone with authority over that idiot, doesn't step in tomorrow and act by first, firing that judge, then due process is done dead in Florida.
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The war vote and my little dog
Saturday, February 17, 2007 12:05 PM
I heard the news via radio yesterday about the Democrat(ic) 'victory with help of some Republicrats. A non-binding vote against a sitting President, who hasn't lied to the American people, who hasn't committed a crime, but is doing his 'best' at his job of protecting the American people. A non-binding vote that sent a clear message to the enemy of freedom - the Islamo-fascist movement - that America's politicians do not have courage. The vote on this war, which more innocent than guilty have died, is a victory for the guilty and a loss for the innocent. No one likes to see death or experience death in any of it's morbid means. This morning, my little dog died in my hands from an enlarged heart that gave out. She gave me twelve years of love and devotion, unequivocally. It hurts deep inside. I can't imagine though, how the people of Iraq feel when they have lost their loved ones to the terrorist that the vote gave a victory to. I can't imagine though, how the American families feel that have lost their loved ones over there in Iraq and Afghanistan to the terrorist that the vote gave a victory to. I know how I feel about my dog, but I know also I gave her every chance, every last thing the vets could do for her, to give her a chance to live. But she died on her own terms, free and at home. We have Special Forces that carry motto's: So other's may live, To free the oppressed, and others. Our entire history of the United States is full of motto's and sayings that emphasize freedom and fight for freedom against opperssors. The House motto should now read: We turn our backs when it gets tough. If we give up, we 'retreat', because 'redeploying' that is being used is being used very incorrectly by all, the enemy will advance. When an enemy advances, especially those of oppressive natures, the historically kill everyone who hasn't fought on their side. I am glad that my conscience about a vote will not lead to that inevitable conclusion of another slaughter of innocents and the pain of death to any survivors. This war must be fought by every means available and more, and most importantly,the solid backing of it's efforts and especially true support of the troops.

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