Monday, September 3, 2007

Postings Jan 5th - 24th 2007

Talk Radio - this is your war!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007 10:58 PM
I often spend my blog entries commenting on the news of the day or something of a topic of the news. Tonight, I am going to redirect this a bit after thinking about what I needed to write about. This is a call to arms for the radio talk show host themselves. We hear daily of the incredible and often ultimate sacrifices our men and women in the Armed Forces make in fighting in the War on Terror. We know that these people are soldiers, and I use that term in an all inclusive manner for all Armed Forces. Our talk show host are often criticized for not having 'served' in the military while talking about the commitment to war and sacrifices to be made. For awhile I agreed with that thought, but knowing not everyone can serve in the military in reality, negates such a thought, arguement, or assumption. Serving our Country comes in all forms, all manners. Being a Patriot does not just mean you wear a military uniform. It means you do all you can in whatever manner to serve and preserve the Constitution of the United States. This is where the crux of my blog comes tonight. Listening to Neal, Rush, and Sean today, I come away with heavy feelings and knowledge that this country is now facing one of it's greatest perils in the coming 2008 Presidential election. This election is about socialism v. freedom of the individual. I have no doubts, that if Hillary wins the election, this country will slide into a socialist form of government and the Constitution of our Founding Fathers, will be altered forever. The so-called Fairness Doctrine is nothing but a way for the Democrats-Socialist to alter the First Amendment, attacking free speech from an oblique position. That will be the first step in erasing the Constitution as we know it. Knowing this should raise the fear level in every good American, not just 'conservatives' whom will face the heaviest price for a defeat at the ballot box. I come to my point, those in talk radio now have a sacred duty, those in talk radio now have a mission. You men, Neal, Rush, Sean, Michael, etc, and women, Laura, Michelle, Ann, may have not signed up, taken an oath and wore a uniform, but you are now are all American Soldiers. You all have a sacred duty to do whatever it takes to expose the lies of the Rodham campaign. I pray you do not take this lightly, nor do you under estimate the enemy. I used the word 'campaign' describing what Hillary and her people are doing. They are treating this as a war, and it is a campaign they are on to march into the White House crushing anyone that gets in their way. Look already what her 'intelligencia' has done to Barak Obama with the sudden story of his youth in an Indonesian madrassa and how quick that came out after Obama started making head way in the News. I can't impress upon talk radio host and alternative media headliners enough, this is now your war, this is now your time in history to stand against the enemies of liberty. You all make up your own unique 'media special forces unit', and how you fight and with what determination and resolve will matter to us all, to our children, to our Nation and the Free World. This may sound a bit melodramtic, but knowing and living through Bill Clinton's Presidency, the way too many suicides, the missing FBI files, the missing MIRV missle technology (that now the PRC is using), I can only imagine the true horrors that will descend upon this country under a Hillary regime. It is now time to fight the good fight for you in the MSFU. I can only blog, I can only cast a vote, but you in the MSFU have the eyes and ears of millions to inform, and also their very lives to protect. Only you in the MSFU have the resources, the experience, the training, to make a difference in the 2008 election. Terrorist hit us in 2001, but thank God, a Republican and a man of principle to lead the Nation at a most critical period. The 'Democrats' are crying about being called Democrats and not Democratic. I guess they do not realize that Democrat is a noun whereas Democratic is an adjective. They already are trying to skew the minds of the American people on such a simple truth of identification. The war on freedom is now on our shores, being fought with words, only you in the MSFU can strike back hard enough to make a difference. This is now your time, your war to win or lose.
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Hillary's first speech
Tuesday, January 23, 2007 9:35 PM
If anyone was watching the Lt.Gen. Petraeus's confirmation today, you saw Sen. Kennedy resting his head on his left hand, Sen. Levin telling the 'General' to get him (Levin) 'benchmarks' to his office, and the General being a good soldier, gave the obligatory "yes sir". I guess Sen. Levin's office pogues do not have the brain power, political will, professional training, initiative, to get those things for the Senator, nor the Senator having whatever it takes to get things for his job done as the K.S.A.'s for a Senator of the United States dictate. Boy, those Democrats just love 'telling' the military to 'jump'. I had to watch the 're-run' on CSPAN late this afternoon of the confirmation, remember, I work for a living so I can be taxed to death and pay for everyone else's social welfare programs so they don't have to work. Watching the President's speech while typing this: President said we do not need to raise or pay more taxes, the future was shown, the Republican's stood and applauded, the Democrats sat still....they want to raise working class America's taxes!!! Now for the Konijin des Reichs, when it came to her turn, she did not question the General, she gave a political speech instead. Her face and tone of voice told the truth, rage, rage is what is underneath that neat semi-polished exterior Terry McAulliffe is so desperately trying to keep on the surface. Ms. Rodham went on and on, throwing flaming balls of fire towards the General in what amounts to shooting the messenger mentality. She hates 'W'. Almost as much as she hates the freedom of choice of a free people's society. She gave her first political speech post her grand 'internet' announcement and it fore tells the real Hillary the World needs to see. My better half recognized the hate in the face as well. These last few sentences should get both my wife and I sent to re-education camps under Der Konijin's reign....using the 'Fairness Doctrine' law no less. God help us. I heard a woman on Hannity's radio show telling of a story of Her Reichness' recent trip to Iraq that put all the lives in that aircraft she was in, by way, by telling the military what to do!! Her venomous statement to the General that Iraq does not need a military solution but a political one says it all - the U.S. Military is on the bottom of her food chain and to be used as fodder for her political career. Talk about a repeat Clinton performance!!
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Ads on my blog
Monday, January 22, 2007 10:54 PM
Most times I do not even bother to look at my own blog home page, but I did just a minute ago and seen a blogad from Hillary Clinton. I did not accept that ad in any way, I do not support her campaign in any way, her ad is there from 'slick' advertisers without my consent.
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Facing giants
Monday, January 22, 2007 10:39 PM
Today's talk radio was all the buzz about Hillary. The sounds coming from some are tones of defeat already, just coronate Konigin des Reichs and get the firing squads over with. Hillary is going to reap fire and brimestone upon the Conservatives, Republicans, and Bill's ladies once she gets 'power'. But the election has not yet been held....thank God!! As I told my better half, Hillary still has yet to make her Dean moment, though Terry McAuliffe is gonig to do his best to ensure that does not happen. But she will. At some point she will have to take questions from 'unscreened' average Americans as well as her political opponents, and maybe even those talk radio host she despises. At which point, the real Hillary will show and the whole game will change, just as it did with New Orleans, the annointed team...which 'fumbled' it's way out of the SuperBowl.History is rife with giants that were feared to be faced. Goliath, Darius' Persian Army and Navy, the Roman Legions, the Tartars, the Mongols, the Nazi Army, the Imperial Japanese Navy, the American military in Vietnam and Iraq. (The later would win all fights if it were not for politicians lack of will and meddlling ways). But all of these giants were feared by the opposition until faced down and found out to be no better than themselves. Same with politicans, they all put their pants, slacks on the same way you and I do. Just some are as Rush says - part of the lucky sperm club, or they've either clawed or convived their way into their positions. But in the end, face to face, they are no better than you dear reader. Arnold is probably the only politican that might be able to take you mano-o-mano, but the rest....what is he or she going to do without some minions doing the dirty work for them? So don't fear any giant, but instead, plan, challenge, and face them down. Or have a good sling and stone handy and whamp them between the eyes and run like heck so you don't get squashed when they fall down.I wrote several entries back, just at or near the end of the 2006 election, that the 2008 was going to be nasty and you better be ready for it. Sean Hannity used to say back then that the election of 2006 was the most crucial of our time, he was half right. This election will be the determining factor of the future of the United States. We will either remain a capitalist country or begin a quick sharp slide into Socialism by the 2008 election results. All the marbles this time, for our Nation has not been so divided since prior to the Civil War.
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Twentyfour Part 2
Monday, January 22, 2007 10:16 PM
Oh my gosh, Jack is beating up his brother, someone call a lawyer, someone call the ACLU, someone call that Congresswoman who is sponsoring a socialist child protectionist bill in California....all of the above are probably housed in the same building. Did I see a Muslim terrorist talking 'peace'? Must be a script error.
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Monday, January 22, 2007 8:53 PM
Is on in about twenty minutes so I have to make this quick. It's a TV show!!! It's incredibly stupid, that so many people and organizations (cough '-CAIR - cough) are making such a big deal. What about last season when the bad guys were....CAUCASION Chechens and Americans??!! But since they're 'Arab' 'muslim' terrorist, the First Admendent does not apply and the show and all involved need to have their infidel throats cut. Is it any wonder that the division between Muslims and non-Muslims is growing? Just read where people of the Jewish and Christian faiths are threatened with death by Muslims in Yemen. And 24 is just a TV show that people here watch then just talk about for about five minutes at work the next day then forget about it. But fascist islam is carrying out the real acts of murder and terror against non-muslims and 'fellow' muslims. The reactions to 24 by the Muslim activitist groups only feul the speculation that it is really hitting reality. Seen today that Intel in Iraq found that 'muslim' terrorist were planning on another attack ala 9/11 inside the United States. Not Buddist who lost archelogical statues to Islam, not Jews who face daily attacks from Hamas-Hezbollah, not Christians who are persecuted inside all muslim governed countries. The saying is most true, not all muslims are terrorist, but all terrorist have been muslim. Don't argue Timothy McViegh and that other idiot partner who together don't possess the intelligence to make that big of bomb without 'outside' asisstance. Got to go watch '24' and see what the 'muslims' are going to do next, then peer out my window at my neighbors!!
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The headache has begun
Saturday, January 20, 2007 4:44 PM
There was the 'Fox News Alert", Hillary Clinton forms exploratory committee.." Then while having the radio on our local station which is an ABC affilitate, it seemed that ABC was having huge Hilgasms at the top of every hour. The vocal intonations betrayed any 'non-bias' fact only reporting by the news announcers. ABC must've broke out the champaign in the office this morning on her majasties announcement. One of my socialist university inducted daughters was giddy as to be done there. Four years of brain washing to try and undo before socialism takes over the health care industry which means hospitals, doctors offices, medical parks, medical insurance industry, will all be controlled by the government, as well as the pharmaceutical companies. Gone will be capitalism, personal liberty, to be replaced by 'State Control'. You morons keep voting for the 'Democrats' and obvious leftist politicans. The DNC race is going to be interesting to say the least. An African American (with shadow ties to Islam), a Hispanic with years of positive experience but yet influenced by his heritiage and race, and a populist self inflating queen that has manipulated her way into a Senator seat yet has nothing in common of the people and/or State, she represents. Plus the other usual suspects that have thrown their hats into the circus ring. If you're a Democrat, wear a raincoat because it's going to be like the Rocky Horror Picture show at a late night theater, a lot of stuff flying in the air.
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Cases for Secession
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 10:30 PM
The more of the daily news that I hear, the more the need for real action is evidentially becoming a clearer becon. Listening today to several talk shows, the coming attacks on the First Amendment by the Socialist-Fascist 'Democrats' is making cases daily for a new movement to secede once again from the 'Union' in order to save the dreams, ideas, and goals of the Fore Fathers of America. How can the Democrats and their 'liberal' supporters justify such an action as the 'Fairness Doctrine'? That is in direct conflict and violation of the First Amendment. "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (1791). To limit any talk show that is not in violation of set FCC rules of language and content is in direct violation of the First Amendment. Especially if these moves are solely and undoubtably based upon political content and view points of the show's host. Further coming attacks are coming from the Senate under the lobby reform bill S.1 Section 220. The story is here: With a political system that is with each passing year, failing the American people on all levels, the reality is that this Nation is now politically divided, and within the next five years, it will be culturally divided as the "Mexican" invasion continues unabated. With organizations as the ACLU, CAIR, PETA, NAACP attacking and changing the Constitution, State laws, city ordinances, especially if these were based and influenced underl Judaeu-Christian people, common sense and law is being set back to the Dark Ages mentality. With the individual liberties and rights being taken away under the guise of social expansionism and capitalist growth, the power of the Constitution is slipping away each day from the people and the Constitution is being rewritten to support a minority of secularist. My pessimissm for a future is growing each day. The growing silent move to 'incorporate' Mexico, Canada, and the USA into one 'conglonmerate' is also a vast call to arms by the son's and daughters of the American Revolution. America is 'one Nation, under God', not many nations. That is a pipe dream that may take place in the future, about five hundred years from now. Congolese rebels are killing endangered gorillas, Iraq and "Palestine' is embroiled in a civil war, Venezuela is marching towards a socialist dictatorship that will engulf South America in a very bloody war, China's economic growth is polluting the World at a record pace. On and on anyone dear reader, can see that this World is hardly ready for any sort of a 'Spherical', Continential, or World government. Here in the U.S., the Nation is divided between liberalism and conservatism, with a spat of moderates caught in between. Sandy Berger was caught in the open with his pants stuffed with 'stolen' documents, yet the Goverment stabbed the people in the back and let him go. How can the people trust a Government that covers for their own while punishing and sacrificing the people (the Border agents now in jail, and our troops in Iraq). Start doing the right thing, jail Sandy Berger immediately, free the agents, seal the southern border, bomb Sadr City, Iran's nuclear sites and IRG compounds, and Syria-Hezbollah sites. Rebuild our cities, our schools, our roads with our money and quit sending it overseas to be lost and stolen. There are not many options left for America to survive intact. Secession is one way, just as families and companies do, so may a Nation once again have to in order to survive it's original life and path.
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Life does imitate art
Monday, January 15, 2007 10:59 PM
The little posting I did this morning I talked of how 'media' influences people. Case in point: Boys Across World Die Mimicking Saddam Hanging Sunday , January 14, 2007 CAIRO, Egypt — The boys' deaths — scattered in the United States, in Yemen, in Turkey and elsewhere in seemingly isolated horror — had one thing in common: They hanged themselves after watching televised images of Saddam Hussein's execution. Officials and relatives say the children appeared to be mimicking the former dictator's Dec. 30 hanging, shown both on a sanitized Iraqi government tape and explicit clandestine videos that popped up on Web sites and some TV channels. The leaked videos, apparently taken by cell phone cameras, set off international outrage over the raucous scene at Saddam's execution, but some experts are more concerned about the images of the deposed Iraqi leader dropping through the gallows floor and his body swinging at the end of a rope. The experts say such graphic images can severely affect youngsters who do not yet understand the consequences of death and violence — especially because Saddam's death received intense international attention. "They see how it's done, but they don't think it's horrific, and they're more likely to imitate it," said Hisham Ramy, an associate professor of psychiatry at Ain Shams University in Cairo. A day after Saddam's execution, a 10-year-old boy in Texas hanged himself from a bunk bed after watching a news report on the execution. Police in the Houston suburb of Webster said the boy, Sergio Pelico, tied a slipknot around his neck while on the bed but had not mean to kill himself. "I don't think he thought it was real," Julio Gustavo, Sergio's uncle, said afterward. "They showed them putting the noose around his neck and everything. Why show that on TV?" Something similar occurred in Turkey, where 12-year-old Alisen Akti hanged himself Wednesday from a bunk bed after watching TV footage. His father, Esat Akti, told a newspaper in the southeastern province of Mus that his son had been affected by the televised images. "After watching Saddam's execution he was constantly asking 'How was Saddam killed?' and 'Did he suffer?'" Akti was quoted as saying. "These television images are responsible for my son's death." Nine-year-old Mubassahr Ali, from the eastern Pakistan town of Rahim Yar Khan, died hours after Saddam when he also mimicked the ousted leader's execution, local police official Sultan Ahmed Chaudhry said. "The ill-fated boy used a long piece of cloth, tied it with a ceiling fan and wrapped its other end around his neck. Then he stood on a chair and fell down," Chaudhry said. In Yemen, at least two young boys died and another was injured in apparent imitations of Saddam's hanging. One of the cases involved a 13-year-old junior high school student who hanged himself after watching Saddam's execution on television, a Yemeni security official said. When the boy's family returned to their home outside the capital, San'a, on Wednesday, they found him hanging from a tree wearing a traditional Arab headdress, said the boy's cousin, Yahya al-Hammadi. In Saudi Arabia, a 12-year-old boy was found by his brother hanging from an iron door with a rope around his neck, the newspaper Okaz reported. The boy, Sultan Abdullah al-Shemmeri, lived with his family in the province of Hafr al-Baten, near the Iraqi border. "The child was just 12 years old and didn't really know whether the execution of Saddam was something good or bad," a Saudi Interior Ministry official said Saturday. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the press. Local media in Algeria and India also have reported other mimicking deaths, but these could not immediately be confirmed. Ramy, the professor in Egypt, said children are prone to imitating violence they encounter on television, the Internet and movies, but usually they act out against another person. Mimicking a hanging or suicide is unusual, but perhaps in this case it is unsurprising, he said. Because "some people have said Saddam is a hero and martyr and have glorified his death, this has affected children," Ramy said. But Jasem Hajia, a child psychologist in Kuwait City, cautioned against placing all the blame on video images. "This is extreme, and I think there were physiological disorders as well with the children," Hajia said. Seems that even the youth of the World are influenced by what they see on 'TV'. Imagine how much your neighbor's kid or even your own is being influenced. What are they wearing lately, dark clothing?? Baggy clothing? Just going through the motions of getting through school or are they really concerned about an education at all?
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24 The War and Ads
Monday, January 15, 2007 8:39 AM
Like most of America, we in the BirdsEyeView household were glued to the 'tube' watching '24'. It's been pretty good so far, some weak spots but that's not surprising to me anymore with Hollyweird writers, they all live in LA LA Land and are deprived of the real world which affects their writing on all great shows. What I found most intriguing though was the populations response towards 'Muslims' which is what will happen when it happens here for real in the near future. Already, there's the Shi'a - Sunni conflict spilling into our country up in Michigan. That's just the tip people, get ready for the rest of the huge mountain of pain that is coming thanks to the stupidity of our free society in not checking antagonist at the outset. Ahmadinejad has been traveling through South America fomentting hatred towards you and I, your family, and dictators are eating it all up. The President's plan in Iraq is the best option outside of a massive bombing campaign all across the Mideast to stem the Islamo-Fascist movement. If it comes to the later, we have better use some nukes to stop them, words and men's lives won't. Our diplomats need to start doing what they're paid to do and get relations on a better footing south of the border as well. The private business sector in the U.S. is a huge asset to be used as well in this endevor. While watching '24', Hollyweird ran several ads for upcoming movie releases and both and espeically my wife were replused at all levels to the 'stab' and 'slash' marathon of movies coming out of Los Angeles. Needless to say, we won't watch any of them. But what about those who will, how will their minds be continued to be warped and shaped into 'mimicking art'??? Expect more Columbines, more Michael Delvins to kidnap boys, expect more just mindless shootings, stabbings, and didn't the report come out that violent crime increased the past year here in the USA???!! No one can blame it on economics, the jobless rate is at an all time low, there are jobs available everywhere IF a person wants to work. Finger easily points West to California and Hollywood and the continued trash it produces. Some of us out here comment to one another, California has been hit with fire, flood, hail, windstorms, killer bees, a few weak rumbles in the earth, and nothing has woken them up. The next thing that may happen due to Divine judgement will be a big splash as the plague of our country and somewhat the World, falls into the ocean. Let's see, 24 is about Islamo-fascism, the War in Iraq is all about combating Islamo-Fascism, and the decedence that Islamist display that is coming from Hollywood. Not a very bright day this Monday is today. But we'll watch 24 tonight but not American Idol tomorrow.
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How much more of a cost for true Americans
Saturday, January 13, 2007 12:19 PM
The stories keep growing about the cost of our Federal Government doing nothing but make speeches about what they're going to do. The rise of Mexcian Natioanlism within the United States, a belief that being Mexican is more important than the rules and laws of the United States, the Constitution, and the lives of all those who gave it all for this country. Continued story after story out of California about hospitals closing, businesses closing, a population moving out due to the FLOOD of illegal immigrants that's gone unstemmed. We've heard about Gov. Schwarzenegger taking away legitmate welfare to give that money to illegals, for the vote and latin pressures not doubt. That's another whole blog there about a very bad idea.But today, a story come out about worms in the human brain. Yes dear reader, worms! Link here: scroll down after reading the article and see what more great diseases have made their appearances in the United States due to illegal immigration and the Federal Government's hand's off approach towards doing anything about it. Forget the 'border fence, high technology' approach, it's all fluff talk aimed at appeasing both concerned Americans and Mexico. I've heard via talk radio of how Mexicans are on the 'march' to 'reclaim' much of the Western United States. I thought that belonged to the original American Indian indiginous people, not the Mexicans?? Guess we know now who the real conquistadors are now!!
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Anger and Ambition on The Hill
Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:53 PM
Again, while eating supper, my wife and I watched the news. To reinterate, I like Fox News the best for a 'fair and balanced' fact based approach to news, but I also watch the left side, NBC being the least offensive of the 'mainstream' media DNC leaning corporations. I need to quit watching news while I eat, it does not help the digestion one bit. I saw some 'punks' on TV tonight. I saw some 'street' body language and 'attitude' being displayed. If one of those 'punks' were to talk to me in that tone and with those gestures, we would definitely be coming to physical fisticuffs. Any 'man' would react the same way to those punks. I was watching Sen. Dodd, Sen. Biden, Sen. Kerry, Sen. Hagel in their 'confrontation' with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. Also Rep. Wexler is in this group of un professionals street punks. We on the outside, look at our Congress as to be the 'best and brightest' our country has to ensure that the 1774 American Revolution was not in vain. I expect and demand those 'elected' to be the upmost in professional in their manners and words. All Americans should. What struck me is the 'anger' that was coming out of those 'career politicians', anger towards President Bush that they harber inside of themselves. Bill O'Rielly could do a great body language episode on that Foreign Relations Committee grilling of Sec. Rice. If they have that much anger, they should be men enough to go straight to the President and tell him and not take it out on a LADY!!!!
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Troop Increase
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:57 PM
After the President's speech, I had to take some time and fold clothes that were in the dryer. See, I work for a living, so does my wife, so unlike the 'priviledged', we have to still do our own home makers chores. No 'illegals', undocumented aliens, working here. I heard a news blurb that tomorrow morning, SecDef Gates is going to announce troop increases for both the Army and Marine Corps. Now dear reader, I want you to think about this a minute. It's 2007 and our Federal Government leaders are going to increase the troop numbers in both the Army and Marine Corps. So, have you thought about this in the grrand scheme? It hit me like a brick and it's something I've mentioned somewhere in a previous posting here. It means that our entire National Defense plans for the past thirty years have been seriously flawed. It means all those whiz bang computers, all those buzz words, all those committees, studies, propasals, war-gaming scenerios, were wrong. If in 2007, it is necessary that the United States military must increase it's troop numbers, all the planning to use whiz bang technology to fight our wars, was seriously flawed if not totally wrong. All the War College courses, degrees, promotions for theories and implemented concepts in an Assymetrical Battle Space Digitilized war zone. Just to find out in 2007, we need more grunts with rifles to win a war. Said it before and it's worth repeating. We will not win any war unless the politicians have the 'guts' for enemy collateral damage. Then to let the warriors be warriors, no rules of engagement with the enemy, just war, in all it's hated despised sickness. No one wants peace more than a soldier. But in order to have peace, war must be fought as a war, not as a 'police action'. Pentagon and the Hill both need to do some serious planning for the future of our Nation's security, real planning, not plugging fingers into a hole to stop a leak.

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Call it anything except terrorism
Monday, January 08, 2007 9:37 PM
Today was a bell ringer day for 'News Alerts'. Gas in New York, dead birds in Austin, possible bomb in Miami. Whatever caused the 'gas' fumes to spread all over New York not to have been found, is in short, very sad. No doubt Al Qaeda and every other crack pot took note of this today as well. Up to sixty dead birds found along "Congress" Avenue in Austin. That had better send some warning signals. Foreign or 'home grown', that was a message, not a fluke.Port of Miami having 'two' incidents in as many days?? Very sad how our Government has bent over backwards to clear those three 'Iraqi's'??? That's what they said they were anyway, sure Hugo Chavez might be able to provide some clues. A port security officer became suspicious when the truck driver could not produce proper paperwork in a routine inspection to enter the port about 8 a.m., Miami-Dade police spokeswoman Nancy Goldberg said. The driver also indicated he was alone in the truck, though security officers found two other men in the cab, she said. The two passengers, ages 28 and 29, were a friend and a relative of the 20-year-old Iraqi driver, she said. "Due to a miscommunication between the gate security personnel and the truck driver, we believe there was a discrepancy in the number of people in the vehicle attempting to enter the Port of Miami," Goldberg said. "This, and the fact that one of the individuals did not have any form of ID, raised our level of concern." Yeah, all of this has to be something other than terrorism, all of the chemical plants that have been catching fire, blowing up. The Muslim incident in Minneapolis airport. It's not related, it's not terrorism. If it were terrorism, I'm getting the impression the Government does not want us to know, why? Beat's me....but I have an idea and I don't like it.
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Under attack and Nero fiddles
Friday, January 05, 2007 8:36 AM
The news story repeats itself again, armed gunmen cross from Mexico into the United States, fire upon U.S. federal officers and retreat back across the border INTO Mexico from where they came. According to the story today, it was U.S. Army National Guardmen that came under attack and our Guardsman were forced to RETREAT!! Guardsmen overrun at the Border
12 NewsJan. 4, 2007 02:44 PM
National Guard unit stormed while patroling the border Border attack raises security concerns A U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona's border with Mexico.According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state's West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat. The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the incident.The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of illegal drugs were confiscated in this area. The Border patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into Mexico. So my big question today is: what is Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic led Congress going to do about this???!!! For over six years now, the government I voted for, supported, funded, has really let me down on this border issue. Why? Again I ask, whose country is this really? What's this North American Union trash that is becoming more open in the media?? My father didn't go to Europe and fight Fascism, get wounded, lose countless friends and fellow soldiers, just for some greedy corporates to give up my soverignty, my tax money, my future, my children's future. Dear reader, go to the link above and research for yourself and make your own decision, mine is already made.

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