Monday, September 3, 2007

Postings Mar 28th - May 2nd 2007

Pitt Bulls must go extinct
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 10:44 PM
Here's a story out of New Zealand: Tiny terrier dies after saving 5 kids
Wed May 2, 4:57 PM ET
A plucky Jack Russell terrier named George saved five children from two marauding pit bulls, but was so severely mauled in the fight that it had to be put down, its owner said Wednesday.
George was playing with the group of children as they returned home from buying sweets at a neighborhood shop in the small North Island town of Manaia last Sunday when the two pit bulls appeared and lunged toward them, Allan Gay said.
"George was brave — he took them on and he's not even a foot high," Gay told The Associated Press. "He jumped in on them, he tried to keep them off.
"If it wasn't for George, those kids would have copped it."
One of the children, Richard Rosewarne, 11, was quoted in the Taranaki Daily News on Wednesday as saying George fought with the pit bulls to keep them off his 4-year-old brother, Darryl.
"George tried to protect us by barking and rushing at them, but they started to bite him — one on the head and the other on the back," Rosewarne said. "We ran off crying and some people saw what was happening and rescued George."
But George was so badly mauled that a veterinarian had to put him down, Gay said.
South Taranaki District Council official Graham Young said the two pit bulls had been impounded, and likely would be put down because of the attack.
In New Zealand, owners of dogs judged to be too aggressive can be required to have them neutered and dogs involved in attacks are destroyed.
Monday, police in my small city found seven pitt bulls tied in a back yard all suffering from wounds from fighting. One had a broken jaw. The lady that lived in the house said she did not know who owned the dogs...obviously, a criminal syndicate of sorts who pays her hush money. Two years ago, a 65 yr odl man was attacked by a Pitt Bull while he was just taking a nightly stroll, again here in my small city. Now, if I wanted to, I could go online and fill page after page of pitt bull attacks, many fatal to children, but none the less, attacks. This is a no-brainer, these attacks can be stopped immediately unlike with terrorist who are hard to find. U.S. Congress, President Bush, Supreme Court, act now!!! Outlaw the Pitt Bull as a menace to society. I am a huge dog person, the pet crematory owner will atest to this when he took my female dog from me a month ago after she died in my hands. A veternarian will atest to this when she had to put my old male down due to a cancer. Anyone who knows me will atest to the fact that I do love and care for my dogs. But I do recognize without hesitation, without any doubt, that the breed Pitt Bull is a dangerous breed of animal that must be removed from this planet. Somewhere in the breeding line of the Pitt Bull there was a huge error and the instinct of the Pitt Bull is unstable and prone to violent attacks. What about lions, tigers, bears, wolves, and sharks. Unlike the Pitt Bull dogs, they don't just randomly and in such huge statistical numbers, attack and sometimes kill humans and other living creatures. Pitt Bulls have become way too numerous among the 'hip hop' gangsta rap crowd as a status symbol, and by dog fighters, that the breed is out of control due to so much breeding and most likely inbreeding. We do the same with bugs that are a threat, now it's time to do it with an animal that is so soundly a clear and present threat and danger.
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I Support LAPD
Wednesday, May 02, 2007 10:18 PM
All I saw of any news about the Communist-Socialist Workers Day aka May Day, May1st, was a few stories Monday night of very small peaceful 'demonstrations'. Tonight I saw on NBC, the typical anti-American authority delivery of a story about a demonstration in Los Angeles, by illegal immigrants and their supporters that turned violent due to the demonstrators actions of starting by throwing objects at police officers. The LAPD riot squads did what they had to do in order to prevent a wider outbreak of demonstrations and violence by dispersing the antagonistic crowds. I support the men and women of the LAPD and their actions, if a police officer tells you to move...then move. PERIOD. Anyone who is against the LAPD's response is a communist, socialist, anarchist, anti-American. PERIOD. End of story. Good job LAPD.
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New job and this blog
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 10:58 PM
Here he goes again you think....and yeah, here I go again. This new job I have is taking just about all of my free time away from me and my wonderous and wandering blog. I have maybe, thirty minutes to waste in the evening now on my PC. Most of my off time is now devoted to working on my yard and of course, family. So, to give you some food for thought, here's a few quick bites - talking points - yuk yuk for you, dear reader to consume and then reach for the Pepto Bismol. The Immigration Protest Rally's today: Numbers were down due to legalized, naturalized, born and raised Americans protecting their own country, enforcing the laws handed down by the Founders and the decendents of the Founders. Also, a concerted effort was made by the largely Mexican demonstrators to wave American flags to ward off last years bad press. But thankfully, too litlle too late. The people of the United States are now taking back their country and need not let up one bit. Of notice, there were not many anti - immigrant protestors today because all real Americans - were at work!!! Iraq Veto: Good job Mr. President and fairly good speech written by your speech writers. I would have taken it harder for the military families and how the Dems (Socialist) are willing to sacrifice their loved ones for their political agendas and pork projects. Iraq: hit hard now, tell the Iraqi's too stand up because we are going home very soon whether they like it or not and if we have to come back, we will come back as conquerors since we know the terrorist will have taken over and they (Iraqi's) refused to stand up and fight for themselves and real freedom. New Orleans: fix your own problems, we American taxpayers have given enough. Grand Forks (N. Dakota) flooded and burned in 1997, a small city of about 50,000. 90% was evacuated due to flood and fire. Those 50,000 people rebuilt their city. New Orleans, a population of near 480,000, and they still have their hands out waiting for someone else to do their work for them. I could point out something more in this comparisson but I'd be accused by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson of being a racist. Ask Nagin and buddies where is all that FEMA and Gov't money that was allocated already.......nuff' said.
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Banana Republic - USA
Thursday, April 26, 2007 9:59 PM
I was just hoping out of the shower and had the radio on, talk radio (America's last bastion of free speech) and the Michael Savage show was on our local station. Tonight's guest host made a great and common sense proposal: An Amendment to the U.S. Constition forbiding 'Presidential dynasties' by families. Think about it, with money now being the big factor in 'electing' a U.S. President, a family can keep ruling the U.S. Presidency indefinitely i.e. Clinton - Bush - Clinton -Bush and then repeat. From a family, one person, one maybe two term Presidency and that's it. No spouses, children, parents. Even ex-spouses. We're becoming a third world USA even more with family Presidential dynasties. I like that Amendment proposal, it will only serve to keep strength and legitimacy to the U.S. Presidency.
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Iraq, 24, Sun Tzu
Monday, April 23, 2007 11:05 PM
"When employing them in battle, a victory that is long in coming will blunt their weapons and dampen their ardor. If you attack cities, their strength will be exhausted. If you expose the army to a prolonged campaign, the state's resources will be inadequate." Sun Tzu After watching a few seasons of '24', it shows that the terrorist often have a plan A - E to get to their final objective. Funny how Hollywood of all places understands this yet all of Washington D.C. wait like the rest of America for the next week's installment of '24' to see what happens. This is how Washington is fighting the 'war on terror', the 'war in Iraq', the 'war in Afghanistan'. What the terrorist strategy is, is becoming obvious now. Bin Laden hates the West, hates the U.S. and wants nothing more than his prime objective of driving out Westerner's from the Middle East and establishing a 'new world order of hard line Islamic rule' and return of the Caliphate. To do this, he had to figure out a way that would hurt the West. Hmmm. No way could he ever muster an army to face the West or let alone, the United States Military and win in battle. So, being pretty educated fellows, at American tax payer expense (you bought the gas that funded his father's construction company and so on...), he and others were educated in the West. They soon figured out that the West runs on money. Capitalism is the driving force behind the success of the West and especially America. So now, with inept leadership at the helm of the U.S., he/they terrorist saw their chance and attacked the symbol and heart of Western capitalism, the World Trade Center. The '93 bombing didn't work out like they hoped so they went to plan B. Took them a while but they figured it out. On September 11th, 2001, their deadly plan went into action. But it went beyond their wildest dreams since in their minds, crashing planes into the WTC would they thought, cause the buildings to burn beyond repair, not collaspe as they did. That was a huge bonus as we all know now by the joy they showed and was told to the World. If you think about it, if OBL wanted to collaspe the WTC, he would have directed his assassins to fly the jets into at least the lower center of the buildings, not just at any level which they did. But plan B had repercusions. They didn't count on 'W' taking such long rang and extensive military action as employing the military in an invasion of Afghanistan. So now they had to set out for plan C. That came as a surprise to everyone as a Coalition of the Willing invaded Iraq based on every single countries bad intelligencia as well as forgetting history (often said, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it). Now they sat back and had to study, what do we do now. How does one turn defeat into victory? This is where Sun Tzu comes in. "Display profits to entice them. Create disorder in their forces and take them.""If they are substancial, prepare for them, if they are strong, avoid them.""If they are angry, perturb them, be deferential to foster their arrogance.""If they are rested, force them to exert themselves.""If they are united, cause them to be seperated.""Attack where they are unprepared.""Go forth where they will not expect it." Just think how this war in Iraq especially has been fought, sounds like the enemy has been employing these tactics almost to the letter during the whole campaign. All to achieve plan B, bleed the West dry of it's economy. We're spending billions on this war and it is getting us no where. We're fighting an enemy on their terms, defined by over 3000 years of clan and ethnic warfare. It's not going to stop with a Hollywood scripted movie mentality based on our experiences from World War Two. That was Europe, this is the Middle East where Al Qaeda have 12 year olds cutting the head off of an innocent man. That kind of mentality is not and will not change now nor over the next fifty years at least. Our Nation is divided in Congress, and is divided among the people. Read above of Sun Tzu. Our strategy must shift decisively now. Move our forces into the Northern section of Iraq, and protect the Kurds and maintain a thorn in Iran's side. If the Iraqi Sunni and Shia' want to fight a real civil war, let it happen, for whole region will have to then choose sides and it will now be their turn to be bled dry of their resources in man, material, and money. On the present course, radical Islam will only grow stronger in the Middle East and Western Europe. Iran will grow stronger and eventually sooner than later, repeat history as a new kind of Naziesque empire of radical Islam evolves within it's borders and government. It's now our chance to employ the ancient tactics of Sun Tzu, and time for our Jack Bower's to take the fight to the enemey. "
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America: land of Customer Service
Sunday, April 22, 2007 6:03 PM
I ran across the following story today just looking through the news sites. It is a very telling story of our economy and why, within I say, thirty years, the United States will be a Third World nation, poor, fragmented due to Balkan-style wars and reasons. It is because the United States allowed itself to lose the it's base, the very thing that held our house up. Our construction, our building of all things. I will post the story and make a few more comments:
Losses Severe For U.S. Workers With 3.2M Jobs Gone Since Start Of 2000
4/21/2007 - WASHINGTON (AP) — Three weeks ago, Dawn Zimmer became a statistic. Laid off from her job assembling trucks at Freightliner’s plant in Portland, Ore., she and 800 of her colleagues joined a long line of U.S. manufacturing workers who have lost jobs in recent years. A total of 3.2 million — one in six factory jobs — have disappeared since the start of 2000. Many people believe those jobs will never come back. ‘‘They are building a multimillion-dollar plant in Mexico and they are going to build the Freightliners down there. They came in and videotaped us at work so they could train the Mexican workers,’’ said Zimmer, 55, who had worked at Freightliner since 1994. That’s the issue for American workers. Many of their jobs are moving overseas, to Mexico and China and elsewhere. Just ask Tom Riegel. He worked for 27 years making Pennsylvania House furniture at a factory in Lewisburg, Pa., until the plant shut down in December 2004. The production was moved to a plant in China, which kept making the furniture under the Pennsylvania House label for shipment back to the United States. Rigel, 48, who has had health problems, hasn’t worked since he lost his job running a molding machine. He says his prospects aren’t good given the number of other furniture plants in the area that have suffered layoffs. ‘‘It started with just a few pieces of furniture made in China. Then it snowballed,’’ he said. ‘‘Manufacturing was built on the back of the American worker and then boom — one day your job is gone.’’ Even though manufacturing jobs have been declining, the country is enjoying the lowest average unemployment rates of the past four decades. The reason: the growth in the service industries — everything from hotel chambermaids to skilled heart surgeons. Eighty-four percent of Americans in the labor force are employed in service jobs, up from 81 percent in 2000. The sector has added 8.78 million jobs since the beginning of 2000. Although these workers have been largely sheltered from the global forces that have hit manufacturing, that could change as satellites and fiber optic cable drive down the cost of long-distance communication. Today it is call centers in India and the Philippines but tomorrow many more U.S. jobs could move off shore. Some economists say the United States is experiencing a normal economic evolution from farms to factories and now to service jobs. ‘‘Every advanced economy has seen its employment in agriculture and manufacturing decline relative to services and America is no exception,’’ said Daniel Griswold, an economist at the Cato Institute, a Washington think tank. But others note that the loss in manufacturing jobs has been accelerating in recent years as the trade deficit has grown and America imports more and more products that used to be made here. ‘‘It is pretty crystal clear to our members that when their plant closes down, they know where their jobs are going,’’ said Thea Lee, policy director at the AFL-CIO. Princeton economist Alan Blinder, who was vice chairman of the Federal Reserve during the Clinton administration, says the number of jobs at risk of being shipped out of the country could reach 40 million over the next 10 to 20 years. That would be one out of every three service sector jobs that could be at risk. Those lost manufacturing jobs are fueling an intense debate over globalization — the increasing connection of the United States and other economies. That debate will play out in Congress over the coming months as the Bush administration tries to muster the votes needed to pursue its free-trade policies. Opponents will seek increased protections for American workers against unfair trade practices and push such proposals as wage insurance and better job training for the victims of globalization. Democrats, who took control of both the House and Senate in last year’s elections, believe up to one-third of those lost manufacturing jobs are the direct result of America’s soaring trade deficits, which have hit new records for five straight years. Last year’s deficit was $765.3 billion — that is, the U.S. imported $765.3 billion more in goods and services than it exported. The imbalance with China hit an all-time high for a single country at $232.5 billion. In 1943 and 1944, with factories working overtime to build the ships, tanks and planes needed to fight World War II, manufacturing accounted for four out of 10 jobs in the U.S. That was the peak; manufacturing has been declining ever since. Manufacturing now accounts for one job in 10 in the nonfarm work force. Over the past 16 years, manufacturing has declined as a percentage of the work force in 48 of the 50 states. Nevada’s percentage stayed the same and only North Dakota saw an increase. The declines have been particularly painful in the industrial Midwest and rural South, which have been battered by competition from China. ‘‘China has just exploded on the global scene since 2002. Every economy on the planet has lost jobs to China,’’ says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s, an economic forecasting company. A Moody’s analysis found 16 percent of the nation’s 379 metropolitan areas are in recession, reflecting primarily the troubles in manufacturing. There have been heavy job losses in a variety of industries from textiles and apparel to paper and furniture. Critics contend China uses a variety of unfair trade practices from widespread copyright piracy of American products to keeping its currency undervalued by as much as 40 percent to make Chinese goods cheaper in comparison with U.S. products. On April 9, the Bush administration, responding to growing political pressure, announced the latest in a string of tough actions against China. It filed trade cases with the World Trade Organization accusing China of erecting unfair barriers to the sale of U.S.-made movies, music and books and rampant copyright piracy. But Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and other Bush administration officials argue that despite the yawning U.S.-China trade gap, President Bush’s free trade policies are paying off in new markets that have helped U.S. exports boom. While manufacturing jobs have declined, manufacturing output has been rising. The difference is increased productivity, which means it takes fewer workers to make more goods. ‘‘We are evolving to a point that we are manufacturing things that are not easy to manufacture. That require skills. We believe that is our future. And those are the manufacturing jobs that pay the most,’’ Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez said in an interview. High-tech industries, where the U.S. is still seen as having the edge, include pharmaceuticals, medical devices and airplanes. But even high-tech industries are facing pressure from imports. The U.S. Business and Industry Council, which represents small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies, found that between 1997 and 2005, 110 of the 114 U.S. industries it studied had lost ground to imports in the U.S. market. That was the case even in such sectors as computers and telecommunications hardware. Just the threat of moving high-paying white collar jobs such as computer programmers and graphic designers offshore will likely add to pressures on Congress to erect barriers to global competition, which many economists believe would do more damage than good. ‘‘It is easy to see this turning into some kind of protectionist force which would be harmful,’’ Blinder said in an interview. ‘‘We need to turn the debate in a constructive direction — how do you prepare the work force of the future and compensate the losers?’’ The U.S., yet holds the edge in technology, but that too in waning quickly as both Japan, China, and India make leap and bounds daily. Many of the Middle East countries are as well beginning to put their own brands of technology forth as we saw in the Israel-Hezbollah conflict, and our own war in Iraq. Ireland began a huge technologial/industrial push in the Nineties, and soon I'm sure, they too will be begin their own jumps in techology. The loss of the base of construction in the U.S. has begun a 'cause and effect' process that cause this country more than jobs. Thank your politician, that fat cat CEO, Unions who demanded and demanded themselves out of jobs, banks who only care for their money. Thank them America.
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Prelude to todays post
Sunday, April 22, 2007 5:49 PM
This actually fits nicely into a story that I'll relate into my next posting after I finish this short one. It concerns the economy and my own situation, which if you follow any of my rants n' raves here, I try to use my own experience as legitimacy. I started a new job this week, yeah...sort of. My last job, while it had some great life lessons and learning aspects, standing in the cold rain, crushing cardboad, was a part that after a while, wore on me. I was working at a high end florist shop delivering flowers and gifts. (*Note: customer service related profession.) The pay was just a few dollars above the local area average, which in today's standard, still put a strain on a two income household. This new job, I'm now a 'supervisor'......must remember to break out Dilberts Management techniques and brush up...but without revealing much, I will say it's also 'customer service related' and a 'contract' position within an organization that we serve. So, I"ve been pretty busy the past few weeks getting things done for this new job and not doing much writing, much to the dismay of my leigon of fans...well....okay.....myself and my dog who likes my foot rubbing him while I type. But, as you see, I've gone from one CSR job into another. That was from about a four month job search, done nightly inbetween getting everything else done in life, submitting over fifty resume'/job applications. One call back with interview...this present job. This area is saturated with job applicants, most of course, in the CSR field since this is a 'water front community'. I do not hold out much promise for this new job being a contract position and seeing how contracts come and go like the wind at the whims of the CEO's, bankers, and politicians looking to ensure their financial success. And with that little rant....I post my next:
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--> what.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:50 PM
Iran has been training Iraqi fighters in the assembly of deadly roadside bombs known as EFPs, the U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday.
EFPs, or explosively formed penetrators, hurl a molten, fist-sized lump of molten copper capable of piercing armored vehicles.
"We know that they are being in fact manufactured and smuggled into this country, and we know that training does go on in Iran for people to learn how to assemble them and how to employ them," Maj. Gen. William Caldwell said at a weekly briefing. "We know that training has gone on as recently as this past month from detainees' debriefs."
In January, U.S. officials said at least 170 U.S. soldiers had been killed by EFPs.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The White House is considering naming a high-powered official to oversee the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and report directly to President Bush and National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley.
The goal would be to improve the coordination of military and civilian efforts in Iraq and Afghanistan by different parts of the government.Someone needs to tell Steve Hadley that position is filled, it's the commander in chief, unless the decider's become the delegator," said Rep. Rahm Emanuel, D-Ill. __________________________________________________________________________________ One, the U.S. 'knows' that Iran is building the bombs that are killing our's taken less for real Americans in the past to declare war on other countries for killing our troops and people. But today's America, is weak, and worn down from the Iraq War, the bad 'intel' flotsum, and declaring war at this point is not the answer....but retalitory strikes are a must happen now. I hate to write this, but this one time, I have to agree....with....a Democrat. Building another layer of bureaucracy in D.C. with this 'War Czar' is a lack of responsibility on every layer that currently exist. We are becoming the Soviets in our governmental layers, having too many layers in the chain of command will 'choke' the decision making in critical moments and cost MORE American military lives and maybe even civilian lives here in the U.S. when the next attack happens. Responsibility lays where it does now...step up or step out.
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Refugees and the reality
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 9:33 PM
After I finish this short article, I would challenge any member of Congress to prove me wrong. I read that El Presidente wants to bring seven thousand Iraqi Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees. My initial reaction is the same as bringing any Iraqi refugees to the U.S., other than the children needing medical attention. But bringing them here while our troops fight and die over there, is just mindless in thought by our politicians. What happens when immigrants come to the U.S.? They huddle and live within communities of their own people because they are a minority of non-english speakers. Then they begin to build a community of their own and soon, a new section of town that is now uniquely theirs and off limits to bred, born, raised, and naturalized Americans. Law enforcement is often seen as the force of evil that they had in their previous homeland, and our law enforcement is often without the ability to fight organzied crime in those communities. What makes things more dangerous these days and particularly with Middle Eastern muslim immigrants, is the fact that radical islam has gained major control of Islam. To bring in so many Iraqi Palestinian refugees would no doubt, bring in wolves hidden among the sheep. Rascist, bigot, say. You say that this would not happen. Are you willing to bet the lives of your family on this? Look at what happened on the West Coast. In the late Eighties and in the Nineties there was a phenomenon (and fact) called White Flight out of California. Predominantly caucausions moved out of California to escape the growing influence of the negative gang-rap music culture that was growing like an unchecked cancer. These families moved mainly to Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. But what they brought with them was the same cancer the 'parents' sought to leave behind. The gangs, the crime, the drugs, the attitude, the entire negative culture came with the youth. Following Hurricane Katrina, thousands of mainly African Americans were displaced from their homes in New Orleans and moved throughout the United States. Their brand of culture has clashed with the established cultures of their new communities, primarily among the youth and young adults. Houston is a prime example of the process. For many, too many years, the Southern border of the United States has been left wide open, and NO PRESIDENT or Political Party has done anything of real meaning to stem the flow of illegals out of fear of alienating a voting block of Hispanic voters. Now, for their inaction in Washington, D.C. , Hispanic gangs have flourished. MS13 now boast one of the largest drug trafficing organizations ever. Last weekend in south Florida, that once nice destination for vacationers, rival Hispanic gangs, one of them MS13 and another 'something' 14 had a gun battle on the beach. (Good time to ask why are our troops in Iraq when we need them here). The culture that built this country is now on the verge of collaspe and the result will be the U.S. version of the Balkan Wars. All because of greed in D.C. Greed for power, greed for money. The Don Imus story is a prime example of just how fast polarization can happen these days in the U.S. Because of a few words, hundreds of people have now become involved in what should have been a few in a board room, a news statement of Imus being fired, end of story. They great cultural melting pot experiment called the United States is beginning to melt down due to lack of hard, concrete decisions and immediate action to keep the pot from boiling over.
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Did you Intel types catch this
Monday, April 09, 2007 11:23 AM
Just reading a story today about Iran's announcement of enriching uranium and saw these photos enclosed with the story. What do you notice? Quick glance and you notice what? Not only are just women holding these messages, but they are one, in english, and two, they use a variation of colors, primarily, red and green, the colors of today's Islam. Are there deeper meanings in these signs? I believe so. The other photos from the same story: We see the usual.....demonstratons of hate, anger, and war by men. To these people, demonstrations are not just sympbolic, they are heart felt and deeply believe in what they say and do. I.E. the burning of the U.K. and U.S.A. flags, something they deeply want to do to both countries and it's people.
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Dem are traitors II
Wednesday, April 04, 2007 11:18 PM
"Ladies and gentlemen...please put your hands together for the Diva of Damascus, Pelosi of Arabia" House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit today to Syria – in which she called for dialogue with Damascus – was "brave" and "very appreciated" and could bring about "important changes" to America's foreign policy, including talks with "Middle East resistance groups," according to members of terror organizations here whose top leaders live in Syria.
One terror leader, Khaled Al-Batch, a militant and spokesman for Islamic Jihad, expressed hope Pelosi would continue winning elections, explaining the House speaker's Damascus visit demonstrated she understands the Middle East. I did like Michael Savage was talking about..wait and see before saying anything, see what comes out of the mouths of Pelosi, Reid, Al Qaeda, the usual suspects. We see that John Edwards is right...there is two America' of the of the DNC-MoveOn.Orgistas. The 'people' empowerd George W. Bush to lead the country. While not being blind sheep ala Germans in 1938 Germany, our country's policy is shaped and directed from the White House and undercutting that authority simply amounts to 'a coup'. Americans are savvy enough these days, if we feel we are going so far in the wrong direction, the people will rise up and put a stop to the madness. But that does not yet exist in the White House...maybe after 2008 if Socialist come to power.....but not yet. If 'Congress' does not like the direction things are going...then Congress, especially Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, Kennedy, and the Republicans who side with them....need to have some courage and quit whinning to the media and TV cameras. They need to have the courage, COURAGE, to demand the President come to the Capital Hill, in a full both Houses session...closed doors, no cameras, no IPods, no phones, just the Congress and the President, work it out. No matter how many hours it takes, yell, scream, cut jokes, and just talk it out once and for all and get on the same page for the sake of this country and it's people. They all talk of bipartismship.....prove it. Talk it out now. Otherwise....the betrayal will continue. The Chinese got MIRV's from Clinton....the Islamo-Fascist are getting everything they want from the Dem's, mostly, time to build an army around Israel and they go unchallenged here in the U.S. due to poltiical correctness and the lawyers from the ACLU, supported by the liberal establishment. Death to Israel, death to the USA....thank the Democrats with your last breath before you die as they sold you out to save their sorry butts.
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Courts and clouds
Monday, April 02, 2007 10:49 PM
Okay, the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, in 2007, came out and said the EPA, a government entity, has power to do it's job. Does this strike anyone else....odd? Besides adding to my growing pessimism about the U.S.A. and it's future, I just wonder at times like this, what do those people in Washington D.C. do with their positions all these years? So now, the U.S. Government is going to come down harder on the honest, hard working, tax paying, law abiding American citizen even more?? What about all of the MILLIONS of illegals that don't give a shooy about our laws?? What about China? What about India? What about Russian? What about Iran? What about Africa? All of the above are far greater polluters than the U.S ever has been.
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Courts and clouds
Monday, April 02, 2007 10:49 PM
Okay, the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land, in 2007, came out and said the EPA, a government entity, has power to do it's job. Does this strike anyone else....odd? Besides adding to my growing pessimism about the U.S.A. and it's future, I just wonder at times like this, what do those people in Washington D.C. do with their positions all these years? So now, the U.S. Government is going to come down harder on the honest, hard working, tax paying, law abiding American citizen even more?? What about all of the MILLIONS of illegals that don't give a shooy about our laws?? What about China? What about India? What about Russian? What about Iran? What about Africa? All of the above are far greater polluters than the U.S ever has been.
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Simple truth of UK hostages in Iran
Friday, March 30, 2007 9:50 PM
The first simple an American I stand by to help my friends of the U.K. in 'ANY' way possible. (Please if you're going to fight...let us join, we love a good fight especially if it's to take down oppressors). The plain and simple truth: The Government of Iran, Ahmadinejad, Khamenei, Davudi, and the entire religious and legislative official government of Iran: is holding, against their will, members of the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom. These members were taken outside of Iranian territories, under force of arms, with no provocation or reason. This is an act of war. This action is a Iranian Government sanctioned activity. Whatever happens, it will ultimately be the fault of the Iranian Government and the consequences history will record and prove, are/were the results of actions sanctioned by the Governemnt of Iran. On a personal note: I hope the U.K. acts and gets tough real soon, they are looking very weak in the eyes of the rest of the World. Also, I bet there are now minds in Argentina looking at the 'Malvina's' once again based on the U.K.'s reaction to Iran.
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My American Dream is crashing
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 11:00 PM
My wife and I received our latest mortgage statement yesterday....'hazard insurance' has increased six hundred dollars, which has pushed my mortgage payment way up as well. It's no wonder, NONE, that I see so many 'for sale' signs that have gone up in this town. We've cut back so much, the next to go is cable TV, internet, then cell phones. I know that our situation is not much different than many others we know in this area. I just hope that the 'insurance' company CEO's can sleep so well knowing they are the ones ultimatelty to be held accountable for the demise of so many families homes, lives, and dreams due to their greed. Reading the story about Dianne Feinstein (DEMOCRAT(IC) from where.....California......being on the Senate Military Construction Appropriations subcommittee, and her hubby's companies oh so close ties to the nice fat defense money contracts. Made me sick. For six years she sat on that committee. Six years. Where Senator....was your conscience??!! Where Senator was your morality??? Where Senator was your PATRIOTISM???!!! Just like all the rest of the Democratic the pocket of the American people. Stealing, lying, and betraying the Country and the People of the United States. Now what will the Republicans do?? Will their backbone continue to wilt? Will they cower in corners and continue to allow the Country to fall? While the politicians play each other, Iran grows bolder, the Islamo fascist movement grows stronger, China is building it's aircraft carrier now....just like they said they 'wouldn't do' when they purchased that Russian carrier. You fools in D.C. Keep trusting the Communist and Islamic Fascist, you'll be the last to go as they kill the rest of us. The base of the United States is crumbling. The good, honest, hard working Americans are sufffering as the politicians spend 'billions' overseas, as CEO's greed goes unchecked by either themselves or government, as politicians line their own pocket with taxpayer dollars. Our borders go unchecked, our border police go to prison for doing their jobs, our prisons fill with illegals and those without any hope. Our troops are given missions without clear objectives, with restrictions insane during any time of war. May the South rise will be the only way America will be saved at this rate.

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