Monday, September 3, 2007

Postings Nov 27th - Dec 11th 2006

God and Man
Monday, December 11, 2006 9:06 PM
I'm getting back to what I said in the beginning of my blog, that I would address a few issues specifically, and my view on God was one of them. Tonight seems to be a good night with Ahmadinejad in Iran denying the Holocaust took place, and with private airlines buying Christmas trees to decorate the airport in Seattle because of a flipped out fringe radical Rabbi. Here goes: "In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth. Now the Earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters." Unless you've been living under a rock in Afghanistan or have freaked out parents that let you watch the O.C. but never showed you a Bible, those sentences are from the First Book of the Bible. Just think about that opening statement, "In the beginning, God created..." There was nothing, zero, zip, nada, in the beginning. Anywhere. But God in His wisdom, created it all. Now if you think our relatives swam in the ocean, crawled out of a swamp called himself Kermit the frog, changed into a bird, then into a chimp, then walked on two legs, built a wheel and called it a Yugo. You better reallly sit down and have a deep thought about it. Better yet, get away from any people, especially the ones Xmas shopping, get some space some where and think about it. Did I come from a frog or someone higher? "...God created the Heavens and the Earth", and mankind created all the divisions of religion, not God!!! God did not say, let there be Christians, let there be Jews, let there be Muslims. Man created these groups. According to the bibles of all of these religions, God recognzied the differences, but all of these could be manifestations of man. He sent messengers to try and get His message across to us mankind, but greed and power always over shadowed each of the messengers and the Word was garbled at best. Jesus came the closest to getting the Word out to the people. Buddha did pretty well too with the message of peace and helping one another. Mohammad started out well but it seems his message was 'lost in translation'. It's said the each of us have been put on the Earth for a reason. Some reasons may be big, some may be small, but being honest and good is the smartest path to take to achieve that reason for existence. In a nutshell, there is one God. There are many religions, made by man, not God. How you relate to God is between you and God. He'll be there for you, you just need to honestly reach out to Him. Don't expect a Hollywood episode to take place, bright flash of light, Morgan Freeman standing there to converse with you. But when it happens, you'll know.
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You get what you vote for
Monday, December 11, 2006 8:12 PM
I'm pretty much going to repeat some news of today and then call all the people that voted in all those Democrats, idiots. Rep. Silvestre Reyes does not have a clue as to what the difference is between Sunni/Shi'a and not even a clue as our to main enemy Al Qaeda. This guy is to run our Intelligence Commitee??!!! If this is allowed to happen, then our government is definitely run by fools and power mad fools. The President talked with all kinds of people, about Iraq. I hope he listened mostly to the historians and military people. Remember Mr. President, the politicians will tell you half of what you want to hear and b.s. the rest of it. Lt.Col. Oliver North, like him or not, I personally do like and respect the man, is on the ground with the troops. He will have the best eyes on report that one can get. I'm glad Sean Hannity went to Bahgdad with SecDef Rumsfeld....little late in getting over there but at least he finally got there. Sean finally understands.....and only someone who's been in the military and/or in a war zone can....what life is really all about. If our government officials really want to know, really want to understand what to do, either ask Ollie or go yourself and spend time with a combat unit in the field. I'm still for moving all our heavy forces and air power up north to the Kurdish region and build a really big base, U.S. only, Brits and Aussies too, but most of the base off limits to everyone else to prevent suicide bombers from gettng in. Breaking news story online: Hillary delays decision on 08 run. Now that's leadership. If you're talking about going fishing. Don't have to fish today, can go tomorrow or next week, fish will always be there (unless Al Gore says different). But if a person is going to be the President of the United States of America, definitive decisions and words are what are necessary, not indecision. "President Rodham...the Chinese sunk our aircraft carrier, what do we do?" "Oh that's not my problem, it's the &^%#* military's problem, I'll think about it and let you know next week." Louisiana.....Rep. William Jefferson was re-elected despite overwhelming evidence that he had taken a bride, had 90 thousand dollars for FBI money in his freezer. Talk about a city of fools, people, he's going to sell you out too!!! Is there any real wonder why no one wants to invest into New Orleans?? If they do, it will not be in Jefferson's district, you can count on that. For all those people who voted so many unqualified Democrats into fools. You people failed America. You failed to understand who your candidates really are.
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Montagnards, Kurds, Dems, Muslims
Friday, December 08, 2006 8:03 PM
Here we go again dear reader, history repeating itself. The U.S. let the Montagnards out to dry in Vietnam after years and years of their lives and support in fighting the Communist Vietnamese. They are still paying for it today, discrimination, torture, prison, death. The same fate looks it's awaiting the Iraqi Kurds if the ISG and Democrats get their way. Bug out from Iraq and the Sunni/Shite-Iranians will swarm upon the Kurds and a holocaust comparable to what is happening now in Dahfur will take place in Northern Iraq. The Iraqi Kurds see in plain light how the ISG report does nothing but set them up for a fall. I've adocated this point in numerous postings, build a base in northern Kurdish Iraq. Build a huge multi-U.S. forces base, encompassing twenty miles in all directions. Money and our military protecting the Kurds will suffice for having such a large base. Iraq is not in a civil war yet, but it's coming. The Al-Maliki led government is heading toward's collaspe as a centralized government. He's holding out to protect the Mahdi Army and keep as much of the current Iraqi military under Shi'a Iraqi control. The Saudi's may be funding the Sunni, but that's their business. Iran is funding the Shi'a and arming them as well. There is a huge religious war coming in the Middle East and the best move the U.S. can make this night, is to get our personnel and material out of there now. The Sunni and Shi'a will then have two choices, fight each other or work together. As long as we're stuck in the middle, we'll be catching the brunt of their infighting. I heard all day long on the radio about a man being arrested and charged for planning on attacking a Mall near Chicago. All day long. For some reason.....some cowardly politically correct reason, it was not until tonight that a headline read the truth: "Muslim arrested in alledged Illinois Terror plot". It took World Net Daily to say it. Everyone else is still saying PC words like 'suspect' 'man', anything but identifying the undeniable truth: that Islam is the greatest threat to the United States since the Soviet Union. More to follow this weekend.....
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Iraq Study Group, Fast Food Part2
Wednesday, December 06, 2006 10:54 PM
With much fanfare and media hype and attention, the black limo's and sedans rolled into the White House drive. After nine months, nine, a distinguished group of well dressed individuals made their way into the vestibules of the White House. Minions ran about to and fro, setting about their various task to please their uppers as if life itself depended upon their actions. Books created from the nine months effort of this group were passed around so even the guy standing at the bus stop in this morning's chill had a copy. Nine months were poured into this effort. Nine months later and an 84 page report is put forth. Now get this, out of that 84 page report, 21 pages at the end are nothing but fluff, an appendix that reads like the end of a bad movie, listing everyone and their neighbor's brother who had something to do with the report. Briefly reading through the report, I gleaned nothing I have not already heard via the mainstream media or found reading online or in a book on my own. If the United States Government has to reduce itself politically to such a level to give itself an excuse to bring combat troops out....we're screwed as a country. I see more Third World USA evidence. I read that terrorist leaders in the Middle East hearld this day as a victory for Islam. They know weakness when they see it. They know how to exploit it as well. I heard that ten U.S. military personnel lost their lives today. Not a good Christmas for the families of those ten, my sincere condolences to those families, and my sincere condemnation to our entire U.S. Government leadership for failing our military...once again...Vietnam ring a bell? Desert One ring another? U.S.S. Pueblo? Marine Barracks in Lebanon in 1983 ring a bell? At least there is one thing, consistancy on our Government hanging our military out to die, not dry. Enjoy your big luncheons and dinner parties as you slap each other on that back this Christmas holiday D.C. Between now and Christmas, more American military will be asking themselves, why am I here? Hopefully they actually can ask themselves that all the way home. Nine months. I'll go to Faces of Valor again soon, before Christmas and pay my respects and give my prayers to those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. We like to believe it was for our Country, our freedom. I wish to believe that. But if our civilian Government again fails, then what were their lives for? Fifty Eight thousand plus in Vietnam, for??? The Iraq Study Group, by description and appearance, an august group of individuals. I looked at them, most of them were well into their senior years of life. I wonder if deep down inside, do they really care about the younger generations in America? Their mortal time is drawing near, why should they worry what happens ten to twenty years from now. Chances are....normal life expectancy will kick in. I wondered this at dinner as I looked at them and then at my wife, who by the grace of God I hope we have at least another at least thirty years to spend together. Does the Iraq Study Group care about thirty years from now? All that college education amongst them....for what?! Eighty Four pages, which twenty one are fluff. Let's shift gears and talk about something else, e-coli...crapola. My apologies dear reader, guess the subject matter remains the same. Har har. Seems the veggies got us once again. That item of food that we're supposed to eat to keep us healthy....yet New York City has banned trans fat because of health concerns?? A whole bunch of your tax dollars went into those studies, probably bought someone a nice vacation in the Carribbean while you sweated your next mortgage payment, they saved your life. New York. Your becoming a joke. Banning food substances that made you famous and for which people came to NYC, the food. New York, you elect a person from Illinois, that lived in Arkansas, but came there to get elected because..why??? I wonder what was wrong with Illinois or Arkansas that she couldn't have run there? New Yorkers, can you answer me that one please. If it takes a popularity contest to win political elections....think about this clearly.....we're doomed as a country. More fodder for Third World USA. Wow, this whole blog entry has been about....rap without the c. Well, what is rap too?!! Geez, I better go...I mean, oh forget it.
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Taco Bell and fast food
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:54 PM
This is number 90 for me. Ten more to a hundred and I'll give it my best to be more objective with my maybe last ten entries. With all of these e-coli outbreaks at Taco Bell, the best that can come out of this is a more pro-active approach to the fast food industry by the industry companies themselves and by the FDA. NBC Nightly News reported that the Taco Bell restaurant's that were in affected, were cleaning top to bottom literally, ceiling to floor. That gave me a thought. I know I've noticed, that most fast food establishment's are not the cleanest places in the world, but there's no reason why both the industry and the Fed's should not hold these places to higher standards. I've heard that often, lack of inspectors is a problem at the State level. I bet (another Vegas sure thing) that you or I could go into any FDA office and especially in D.C., and find a bunch of useless administrators and support adminstrators pushing useless memo's, emails, and office party invitations around. People or more importantly, billets/positions that could be used 'in the field' doing on site inspections. Another idea that the industry should adapt is a once a month closer, one the same day of a site, and have all the personnel employed work that day, cleaning. That would help immensely the overall cleanliness factor. The Fed's could also concentrate on the food items at the source through packaging and delivery and less on site cleanliness, if the industry takes a proactive approach to protect American's from food poisoning in the future, meaning today!!
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Good ol' boys
Tuesday, December 05, 2006 10:17 PM
And some girls too. Watching NBC Nightly News (just to try and get an alternative point of view). That's what the photos looked like at the conclusion of the Robert Gates confirmation hearing today. Everyone was smiliing, shaking hands, back slapping....just a bunch of good ol' boys n' girls keeping everything within their circle in power. Contrasting this was a story about the largest Palestinian refugee camp that is in Lebanon and leaders, albeit our enemy, were taking positive action to motivate their people, one so much, a 36 year old father of four, is going to Iraq soon to 'kill infidels, the American invaders'. I wonder why our Government's PR machine is so poorly managed, it's unable to get through to a father of four, that his life should be at home with his kids, and not going to Iraq to most likely die and leave his kids fatherless. Hillary couldn't be professional enough to keep her mouth shut during the hearing but had to belittle the Bush Administration with her 'candor' comment in her closing remarks. Is that how she would be as President??!!! I uesd to always expect more from people with a 'college degree'...and especially a law degree. Used to. But these days, a college degree means a check in the box only towards a job, and thinking backwards, it probably goes back to the 1960's, a check in the box or to avoid the draft as the poor went off to fight. Talk about a case for patriotism and courage...think about it. I personally don't hold much optimism of hope for any real positive changes in the future. I see a lot of gridlock, investigations, party v party fights, everything that will take the media's attention and our tax dollars. Good luck Mr. Gates.
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Congress - Gutless Cowards
Monday, December 04, 2006 10:50 PM
Breaking news story that once the Socialist, oops I mean the Dem-O-Krats are sitting in their cushy over payed, over benefitted, way over empowered jobs, they are going to pass the illegal immigration bill to grant 12 to 20 MILLION ILLEGALS citizenship. I guess my birth right, my father going to fight in Germany against the Nazi's, all my grandparents and their parents hard work and their parents coming to America and registering and going through all kinds of health exams is FOR NOTHING!!! My wife and I went through hell just to get her citizenship legally!! And one week out of having major abominal surgery, we had to travel across State so she could get her swearing in ceremony. All because INS (now ICE) was so A.F.U. we couldn't get it done right the first time here locally because they screwed up and cost us over $700.00. That was just the first trip and payments that went with it. But my wife showed more courage, conviction, morality, and patriotism than the entire DNC Congress would ever. I have no doubt the Continential Congress would have the Continential Army round all the DNC up for treason at this point for allowing up to 20 million unknowns penetrate into America. RNC is not far behind for blame either, that southern border is still wide open. I had a house full of illegals living behind me for over six months, then the anti-illegal immgration movement began and poof, they're gone, left a whole lot of junk behind too. All Congress and the President has to do is have the moxy, just once and act like our Fore Fathers and do some real action. But they won't. I can bet the farm on that. Las Vegas can make a fortune on that bet of no real positive action by D.C. against the rising foreign invasion of the United States. This country will fall apart someday in the near future, mark my words, just as Rome did and for the same reason...rot from within, rot within the political system, rot within our politicians. I'm sure the terrorist that are within that 20 million are just jumping for joy, U.S. citizenship a guarantee now. Now also, they can work on their next attacks with much more ease, thanks to the spineless bunch that infest D.C., also to the ACLU and CAIR. There is a day coming when we wake up and will witness hundreds of thousands of our good, honest, tax paying, patriotic, born and raised Americans, die at the hands of some soon to be legalized citizen terrorist. At least for the next few weeks, being illegals gives our Intelligence and Law Enforcement a fighting chance to keep us safe since the illegals keep low low profiles. But once they're all legalized and have no worry about buying property, getting things that they will need to make 9/11 look like bad accident compared to their next attack. When that day comes, all you politicans who sign that document giving citizenship to them will have no where to hide, no exuses to say, no apologies that will ever be excepted to the survivors and their families for your lack of courage to do what is really right and just - protecting the United States from all enemies. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely and that's especially the case in D.C. Washington, Franklin, Hamilton,Lincoln, and even Lee and Jefferson are turning over in their graves in disgust. Teddy wouldn't bother charging up San Juan, he would charge up the Capitol steps today to save America. I edited this down a bit before posting, didn't want to be on a watch list, I was pretty upset typing this. They would watch me, an honorably retired military veteran of an honorable family, but not 20 million illegal aliens. Probalby give them my house in the near future, espeically if Hillary is elected President.
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Third Party Power People power
Monday, December 04, 2006 11:55 AM
I find it breath of fresh air that the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party are both gaining support and popularity. Stagnation, greed, corruption, have been the three big killers to the DNC and RNC. Traitorism seems to be a hallmark of the DNC, Selloutism seems to be the hallmark of the RNC. It's no wonder why other political parties are gaining membership and soon, leadership in D.C. Americans need to get far from joining political parties as we did in the past, joining because our fathers did, or because at the moment in time, a true and good leader was at the head of the party of one's choice. Power to the people, not the politicians.
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Hillary and the Dems
Monday, December 04, 2006 11:45 AM
We're seeing the news this morning that Her Konijin des Reichs is spinning mad. She wanted to wait until after the fly over country primaries were done before throwing her crown in. She was counting on the usual suspects to run, she counted on American's famous short term memory and power of consentration, she counted on the main stream media to follow only her. Oops she did it again. As Jerry Seinfeld used to say "Neuman!", Hillary is saying "Obama!" It will be interesting to see what the Socialist party comes up with in the end and who they throw their weight behind. Socialist party - have I gone mad? No. In a free society, it takes a family to raise a child, in a socialist society, It Takes a Village to Raise A Child. So who's going to raise your children, you or the government? Where are you going to live, where you want to or where the government builds block house apartments and tells you where to live. Keep electing 'Democrats' into office and see what choices 'you get'.
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John Bolten and the Dems
Monday, December 04, 2006 11:28 AM
I heard the 'breaking news' this morning in my first cup of coffee (and screw you coffee nazis and everything else I like nazis who say this and that are bad for you - I know what's bad for me and don't need your nose in my home!!) Got that off my chest. I was peeved to put it politely upon hearing that Amb. John Bolten submitted his resignation. He's been the one 'politician' that has done the will of the American People and not the will of the D.C. politicians. If the American people had a say so and not the treacherous DNC politicians, Bolten would be get a permanent appointment to the U(seless) N(otion). The UN is an unfortunate byproduct of the political arena so we need a strong person in there. But the Democrats will no doubt, stick in some yellow bellied, spineless, traitor as the U.S. rep. Someone that will cater to the likes of Kim Jong Il, Ahmadinejad, and even Bin Laden types. The Democrats which are really Leftist Socialist, will sell this country in a heartbeat for money, just see Bill Clinton's history about that.
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Eye on the Sunday news
Sunday, December 03, 2006 11:34 PM
Just read with much happiness and glee that the Navy is not going to commission it's newest helicopter assault vessel (it's like a small aircraft carrier) in San Franfreako, Frisco. I'm so happy that San Francisco's anti-U.S. Military city government's big mouths have got them the recognition they deserve. The trend needs to continue, no military conferences, no military spending, and if China wants to land an invasion force on U.S. soil, San Fran is open arms for them. But once they get outside the city limits....they're dead meat. San Fran's citizens have a choice to make on their politicians and patriotic outlook. Gweneth Paltrow said the British are more intelligent in their conversations than Americans...well duh.... With a steady diet of Hollywood and California lifestyle, it is no wonder our language and culture has dumbed down so much. Okay dear reader, here's a biggie observation that needs to start getting around. Remember that song 'Valley Girl' by Frank Zappa and his daughter Moon Unit....'one small step for man, one giant leap...' sorry couldn't help myself there, but the linguistic inflections, the accent of the Valley the very same sort of 'accent' most American women between the ages of 14 - 34 speak today. Their word inflections rise and fall when they shouldn't, and most sentences end as if they were a question. Just listen to the radio, tv, and on the streets, and you'll say to yourself "oh my gaawwdd' they do talk that way. The Middle East is sure a mess, still. Saudi Arabia is going to back up their religious brethren in Iraq who are being outgunned by the Iranian backed Iraqi Shites. I said in an earlier blog it's not a civil war yet. There still is a functioning government, but once that disappears, which I think may happen soon, then there will be an all out civil and eventually regional war. Get our forces out of there NOW!! Bring our troops and equipment out of there now before they fall into the hands of the terrorist and/or worse, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard. The IRG would love to have some American military males to tortune and American military women to beat and rape repeatedly....don't think that wouldn't happen? They think with the same rational as that Palestinian grandmother did last week that blew herself up as a suicide bomber. Remember what happened to our contractors in Ramadi? Move up to the Kurdish area, build that base there, support the Kurdish people for their safety and autonomy. There is a huge bloodbath coming, one I talked about in a previous posting, a feud that goes back centuries. Litvinenko might be a Islamo Fascist? Wow, there's a possibility according to WND. Told my better half that it reminded me of James Bond - Goldeneye storyline. Rogue Russians out to use WMD's on the innocent. Hmmm. Seen Chavez got the first shipment of MIG-30 fighter jets this week. Nothing like an arms race to make defense contractors happy. One Cold War over, another one begins. I truely believe assasinations of Heads of State need to be an option for the U.S. again, it's a ridiculous rule that is civilized in it's inception, but not practical in even today's 2006 World where over half the World is still on a mindset of a thousand years ago. Constitution Party going to gear up for 2008...I think that's great myself. American politics needs to be back to the people, not the few priviledge rich that pander to middle America only out of necessity. I see it every day I work so don't try to argue that's not the case. If our politicians did listen to the American people, a U.S. Marine on leave would be alive today planning his wedding with his fiance', instead, an illegal alien, intoxicated, killed them with an automobile. Save Our Military from our politicians!!!
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First of the Last
Friday, December 01, 2006 8:38 AM
Simply put, it's December 1st. Oh geez, thought it was going to be something grand and witty?! It's almost the end of the year, end of 2006. Think about it, 2006, not 1896 or even 1996 (at which point I was seriously considering throwing out a 16 year military career due to the Clintion's medling into the Military (S.O.M.). But here we are, end of 2006 and what has been accomplished by your politicians this year? Crickets are chirping, Jeopardy song is playing....yeah, me too, I can't think of a thing our politicians have done for us people, I"m mean really done for us. They've all been real good at supplying Talk Radio with meaningless fodder. They've pointed fingers at each other. But what real meat and potatos issue(s) have they solved??? State Governments have done rather well taking care of their problems. Private business has done well enough to ensure our economy is cruising along (no Enron, WorldCom issue wiping out entire companies and people's lives). Seems the more that the Federal Government is out of our lives (and the Military's) the better everyone is. Something to start thinking about for the 2008 election - will your candidate reduce the scope and size of the Federal Government or do you want Socialism to take over all things in your life? The more government assume's control of your life, the more it becomes a Socialist Nation. What's going on in the wonderful world of that peaceful tolerant religion - Shinto Buddism, all must be well haven't heard a peep. How about that other religion - psuedo form of governing people's lives - Islam. Huge demonstrations in Lebanon by Hezbollah, so far peaceful, but what's happening with their militant milita? Rearming some more no doubt under the noses of the French. Texas....I heard of a huge Mosque being built in Texas.....nice place to smuggle nukes and terrorist to from Mexico. Who else lives in Texas that Islam would love to just make a martyers target??? Hmmmm. No wonder Islam is building and spending so much there? Coming soon - why Islam and America are not compatible. A hint: the NFL.
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Crystal ball says
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 10:58 PM
Peering into the glass crystal globe of the earth that sites upon my desk I see...dust. World sure is in a troubled state as we head to a close of 2006. Iraq is on the brink of a civil war, more like a secretarian-religious war. Ahmadinejad sent a long letter to us, America, that I haven't read yet, but only can say to him, "if you truely want peace between our people, stop the anti-Israeli rhetoric, stop supporting Hezbollah, turn over any Al Queda that are in Iran, stop the uranium enrichment and allow UN inspectors in." Until that happens, all the sweet sugary words won't mean a damn and show us and the World, you and Hitler are on the same course path of history. Our own Government let a memo slip out again....someone had better being going to hard time jail soon for that!!! But, with both the RNC and DNC running our government, I'm having fewer doubts any real justice in D.C. will ever happen. Women have sex with teenage males and go to jail for years, Ted Kennedy is still a Senator...go figure. Manslaughter only counts if you're poor. Jeb Bush, I think he is very good and voted for him, but from everything I've heard and read about Miami prior to Tancredo's observation and remarks, it is going Third World. There again, is more fuel for my own theory of Third World USA. Our middle class is disappearing, one in every thirty two American adults are either in jail, on probation, or has a 'criminal' record. I read a story about Miami very recently, I think it was in Time magazine, and many life long and long time residents see the same thing Tom Tancredo saw. I teacher said once he retires from thirty years of teaching in Miami, he's moving to North Carolina to get away from all the congestion, high insurance rates, cost of living, crime. Everything I read about that article I can apply to the city in which I reside, in Florida. There is a house behind mine, the lady rents it out. Some time after Ivan, a bunch of Mexicans moved in, all males, about 6 - 8 of them. Then the illegal immigration debate swung into the media and one day, that house was empty and abandoned. That was what six months ago, last night I saw lights in there for the first time. This whole town seemed to have an instant evacuation of Mexicans and OTM's in one week that was like the Oklahoma land rush. Immigration is killing the country that the Fore Fathers to our Greatest Generation fought, bled, and died to build. Insurance is a vampire sucking the life blood out of the baby boomers. Rap is a cancer that has infected the Gen Xers and Gen Yers too, making them oblivious to real world threats and reality, not the TV kind, but real life. I'm in a pecemissitic mood tonight I guess. Putin will not let go of power when the time comes, just watch the Soviet 'Union' begin to rise again. China, the PRC one, is polluting the World in one day worse than any SUV loving city here in the US could over ten years. That pollution if not put in check by the PRC and World pressure will have some consequences beyond most people's every day thinking. If the Chinese are unable to breath their air, grow food on their land....guess what....they'll move to a place where they can. Maybe that's why the huge military build up is happening??? History has prove time and time again, any king or country that built up it's military, eventually uses it on it's neighbors. Mankind is very good about repeating history. Iraq.....calling it a Civil War will allow the U.S to save face and pull out...think it was a fluke that Sec. Colin Powell made that statement today??? I was listening to Michael Savage this evening while working out (more later on that issue), and he hits good points as does Neal Boortz though I disagree with other views they have, but Michael for all his rants against the establishment made his statement tonight about having all his college degrees and some caller being a high school drop out and that he wasn't threatened (idealogically) at all by that person. To me though, it showed again, no matter who, money, stature, education, divide the people of this Nation through their own eyes. There is discrimination, prejudice in America and it comes from everyone. True story, youngest step daughter at 15, just moved into a new neighborhood, predominantly African American, saw a black girl about her age living across the street, when over to introduce herself and wanted to make friends. The black girl told my stepdaughter, I can't be your friend, you're white (actually she's Amer-Asian). That was a huge slap in the face for her and her high school years were brutal with the same type of prejudice coming from the students and faculty. So Cythnia McKinney....go chew on that you perfect example of how not to be a U.S. Representative of Congress. I watched The Unit last night, prime example of how our politicians hang our Military out to not dry, but die. Dems and Repubs did it to them in Vietnam, Carter in Iran, Clinton and Dem's did it in Somalia big time, and Iraq.....both parties again are using the Military for political means, not to wage war and win. S.O.M. - Save Our Military (from our politicians). There's a few things to chew on for you dear reader, remember, Islam is always ready to cut your throat in the name of Allah. Islam - the only religion that gives you choice - join it or die or become a slave or second hand servant to Muslims. Then which type of Islam is the correct one???? Sunni side or Shite side??? True story: My wife and I went for a walk last night after supper, she by my side, we holding hands as always, we passed another man and wife out for a walk too, he was walking ahead of his five paces....she was covered head to toe in 'arab' garb. He said hello, I said hello as we passed. Big difference between free Christians and free Muslims. How do you want to walk with the one you love???? You're going to have to make a choice and a stand very soon!!! This is not like the SLA, Black Panthers, Red Brigade, IRA terrorist problems of the past, this one is world wide and for keeps, winner takes all.
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Warning to US Military (SOM) here comes the DNC
Monday, November 27, 2006 11:13 PM
While blogging about Carter and the Democrats, I came across a statement from Barney Frank in a Reuters news story.
Asked about his opposition to the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy toward gay service men and women, Frank, one of the few openly gay members of the House, said he would fight discrimination but that issue was "not what we're going to begin with." The Democrats are not going to begin with the U.S. Military and it's policies, but what he is saying, that the Democrats are going to attack the U.S. Military and again force change that WILL and has been proven with disasterous results via the Clinton's. The Democrats hate true warriors, the Democrats hate the U.S. Military because it's the one institution in the United States that keeps 'conservatism' as it's base for all of it's decisions concerning personnel and policies for personnel. Plus it's the U.S. Military that protects the Constitution of the United States that the DNC/Democrats want to erase and install a Socialist Constitution and form of government. Don't believe the research yourself, look at how during the Clinton years, warriorism was put down at every level, socialist ideals and agendas put forth, look at the people and their influences from the Sixties that governs their ideals, thoughts, and actions. The U.S. Military can never be defeated by a foreign power, unless the Democrats have their way and change the make up, command, rules of war (which is close to what is happening now in Iraq and why our guys get maimed/killed). The liberal/socialist that is becoming more and more the make up of the DNC wants nothing more than to destroy our U.S. Military. It does not matter what they say. Kerry and Gore went to 'Nam, all very carefully planned and layed out so they wouldn't get into in any real combat. Charlie Rangel...hard to pin down anything on the 'net about his military service but a blurb that he served from '48 - '52 and went to Korea, finally found this via a socialite column about Rep Rangel's 75th birthday:
Long before Rangel entered into politics, he was an enlisted soldier in the Army’s 503rd Field Artillery Battalion 2nd infantry Division during the Korean War where he led 40 members of his decimated unit to safety from behind enemy lines in the Battle of Kunu-Ri in what is now North Korea.
This heroic effort won for him a Purple Heart for injuries suffered in the campaign and a Bronze Star for the valor needed to escape near death. If this is fact, it's hard to understand why Rep. Rangel wants to draft all American's into a military unless the DNC have an untold plan to use the U.S. Military very extensively at home and abroad for their own personal goals. While the argument is often true that most Republican leaders have not served in the U.S. Military and the Democrats are 'veterans', it's is often proof that the RNC is that party that supports the U.S. Military. But again I say, all politicians need to get out of the Military's internal business of it's day to day operations and let the Military be the military and not a social platform for socialism/liberalist experimentation and ultimately, the U.S. Military's destruction.
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Carter, Pelosi, Dems, spots
Monday, November 27, 2006 10:15 PM
Carter, that guy that was a President of the United States, that guy that was a Naval Officer, once again, betrays all the fallen Americans that have died for nothing. If the World listens to Carter, they have died for nothing. Again, Carter, Jimmy boy, says it's Israel's fault for all the conflict with the Palestinians. Here's a group of basically, refugees from every country in the Middle East, who no country would nor will open up and except the Palestinians with open arms for them to build their own country. Not a single Arab/Muslim country, but it took the Jewish people, the Israeli people, to give the Palestinians a chance. But like ungrateful house guest, that instead of going out, working, then buying and building their own house/home, sought to take over the house they were given refuge in. Carter, you're a fool, plain and simple. The World played you for a fool, the Soviets in Afghanistan, the Iranians with the hostages, Panama Canal deal, and especially the PLO. We are witnessing the same evolution of a displaced 'unindigenous, non-historical race' with the Hezbollah in Lebanon. If the Palestinians really want peace, then they would abandone all arms they have and turn them over to the Israelis, renounce all terrorism, turn over any criminals and recognized terrorist, and except the land they have been so generously given and build their own destiny. Pelosi and Company of Democrats are just salivating for tribunals, trials, against any Republican to begin. They all already have broken their promise of no investigations they were making prior to the election. Now out of one side of their mouth comes 'investigations coming', from the other side comes, no new liberal plans but just good governing for the next two years. So, business as usual in DC, lying politicians, personal power plays, and again, the leopards don't change their spots -ever!!!!

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