Sunday, November 12, 2017

Those crazy jihadi neighbors CJNs

Come home, four cars, not theirs in the driveway. Unusual.  At one point, the car (blackened windows that somehow evades local law statutes)  that stays there, lives there, tore out of the yard, cut across the neighbors driveway and took off.  About 20 minutes later, the visitors came out, all males, 25 - 35 years of age....guesstimate. One male, the 'techie' wore a hoodie over his head obscuring total facial view (it's 70 degree's outside).  They moved cars, someone got into their truck (that lives there) and took off.  One car left as well. Others remained.  I noticed 'techie's' car has no license plate, or even paper temp license plate.  Blackened out car has came and left twice. Usually ends up sitting in the driveway, no one likes to get out for some reason. If/when they do, straight into the house.  Also, a few months ago, the CJN's install a new security system, cable company had to come a few times,  and a LED trip lighting on four front corners...LED so bright they belong on a store, not on a RENTAL house in a quiet suburban neighborhood !! I still haven't met the males that live there.....over a year now....not too neighborly. 

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