Monday, September 3, 2007

Past Ramblings

Sunday, July 30, 2006 1:45 PM
Difficult to write so much and get it posted on this site, but I"ll keep trying. I've been doing a lot of copy n' pasting from my old threads on 'Discussions' so you dear reader, can get a better grasp of my line of thought if not one doosey of a headache. Here goes again: Here for your consumption is a bit of past postings of mine from's 'Discussions' forums. I hope you, dear reader, get some food for thought, if not a headache from what I posted, and I'll go from most recent to past postings. So enjoy:
Posted Fri 28 July 2006 14:26
The next major conflagration will be in South America. Chavez just concluded his big military purchase deal with 'our friends' the Putin Government of Russia.,,1831875,00.html?gusrc=rssNo dictator historically does not build up an army he doesn't intend to use. He's also stated he intends to start 'using nuclear energy'. Chavez is a dangerous tyrant putting the entire Western Hemisphere in jeapordy for his own selfish purpose of power. People of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana beware your neighbor. Chavez no doubt will first use his military might to extend his borders in that direction as a test. Then broker a deal with the Narco-Terrorist in Columbia to topple the Columbian Government, then his eyes will shift towards Brazil's rain forest and the minerals and land. Along with Iran's Revolutionary Guard working in the background training Venezuelan commandos while covertly building a muslim population of fanatics, Chavez's 'revolutionary' forces will react havoc upon the whole region. Chavez no doubt has dilussions of grandeur of being the next great Simon Bolivar/Che Guevara of South America and beyond. But in the end, it will be the innocent people of Venezuela that bear the brunt of this mad dictators dreams, such as the German, Japanese, Italian, Cambodian, Iraqi, people have experienced for supporting a dictator.
Posted Wed 26 July 2006 16:32
Justice in the United States in the year 2006, is so far from common sense and decency defines, it makes me just want to puke. The innocent are found guilty, the guilty go free on 'technicalities' no matter the overwhelming evidence. I'm watching the news at the moment, her facial expressions are anything but 'mentally insane'. An insane person has no mental faculties to make event the simplest decisions such as flushing a toilet. Four young innocent lives for the price of saying that Texas is a state of true justice??? What ever happened to the true Texan??? John Chisum is rolling in his grave.
Posted Mon 24 July 2006 09:22
Miss Japan should have won!! Those judges were idiots and could not understand when Miss Japan gave her answer to her question about speaking three languages, back using all three languages!! I'm sure it was that and when she asked for more mic time to say thanks to the crowd, but again, the idiot judges don't understand the Asian mindset. Trump better review his judges better next year.
Posted Mon 24 July 2006 09:04
Great to see some new programs/Ops starting of things once done and brought back, which to me just proves again that civilian and military politicans need to keep out of deciding what stays and what goes. Navy did away with minesweepers, then brought them back. Navy did away with the PT boats, NAM broght them back, gone away, Gulf War broght them back.People outside of the active Army talk of doing away with tanks, saying they're 'dinosaurs' of the battlefield. There's many Soldiers and Marines happy today that an Abrams MBT took out a building so they didn't have to. On personnel, isn't it a huge waste of time, training, money to put a person through SAR school, or Cryptology, Aircraft Electrician, etc etc when all this person does now, is ride a swift boat and shoot guns. All military personnel need basic infantry skills in this 21st Century. But standing up new units and deactivating them, is a huge waste all across the board. Size of units may rise and fall, but deactivating a whole asset of warfighting needs more careful review.
Posted Sun 23 July 2006 18:18
Many sources are reporting that Iranian Revolutionary Guards were killed inside of Lebanon recently and have been flown back to Iran. What Israel is doing is something that must be done or the vicious cycle will only continue. will only come when there has been total victory. Ceasefire is just that...a ceasefire, not an end to the fighting. Ceasefire's should only be called so the dead and wounded can be collected and cared for...of course, only true humanitarian nations would allow a true ceasefire to exist. Terrorist groups and beligerent regimes use ceasefire opportunities to inflict more casualties.
Posted Wed 19 July 2006 14:41
Take a little closer look at that sign and you'll notice the White House is the subject of that Islam will dominate sign. An entire religous order is now aimed at world domination, not co-existance, domination!!Time for talk, dialogue, is over. There is a war coming, let's get it done and over with while we Westerners, Christians, non-muslims, independents, still have a military advantage. Or else history will repeat itself: When Muhammad, the founder of Islam, died in AD632, Abu Bakr became caliph. Caliph means successor, or “one who comes after.” Abu Bakr wanted everyone around to world to follow Islam and “to submit to Allah.” H.G. Wells said, “With a faith that moves mountains, he set himself simply and sanely to organize the subjugation of the entire world to Allah – with little armies of 3000 or 4000 Arabs.” I found that one a website doing a quick search, but from then to today....the aim is still the same...a world under Islam. Note to the gay community: you will not be allowed to exist under Islam, and this applies to all 'liberal' minded groups, religions, and people. Conservatives realize this and that's why most conservatives are backing Israel in their fight for survival.
Posted Fri 30 June 2006 10:27
Whoa little doggies....we're a talkin' 'Broken Trail', not Brokeback Mountain here. Broken Trail is a movie released this past week by AMC, an original movie produced by AMC. Two cents synposis: Horse herding cowboys protect immigrant Chinese women from an predatory Madam running a brothel in the late 1890's, stars Robert (Great Santini) DuVall, Haden (Wings) Church. First justice scene: scumbag slips everyone spiked wine, they pass out, scumbag steals money and horses and one chinese girl. Haden tracks scumbag down, hangs him, retrieves all of stolen possessions.Second justice scene: DuVall sees two riders coming in, recognizes them as bad guys who sell smallpox, etc filled blankets to Indians which resulted in hundreds of dead American Indians. DuVall and company shoot and kill the two bad guys and their horses, burn them all to kill any disease.Third justice scene: two scumbags raping a chinese girl, Haden comes to rescue, pistol whips one out of the second story window, beats the rapist down, shoots off both of rapist thumbs.Fourth justice scene: four bad guys, one a recent prison releasee, ambush DuVall and co. while their eating supper in a house, kill one good guy. Haden rides in the nick of time, ensuing gun and heavy object battle, all four bad guys killed.All the bad guys were killed, the guys that were of no value to the American society through their actions and way of life. That sort of justice, built this country. Today's justice we see is tearing this country down.
Posted Mon 26 June 2006 10:00
Dust off some of my old post and many from others before me and this 'idea' is nothing new. Any large Army is not an effective police force, that's historical. Much of this talk comes back around to totally reorganizing the way a person is trained from day one in the military. Also, agian, much of the outcome depends on prior planning by both of our civilian leadership and the Pentagon. Foresight is pretty bad for both, hindsight is still 20/20. The 'new' training is a good thing and needs to be ramped up for all service personnel, even if sailors or airmen only view a movie of the training, for they may find themselves in a situation as rear guard of an area.
Posted Tue 23 May 2006 19:38
With this Rep. Jefferson being caught red-handed with the 'cold, hard cash', there has been an outcry from politicians saying that it was wrong that the FBI searched his office in D.C. "We understand that they want to support and pursue the process that the Justice Department is trying to pursue," Hastert, a Republican from Illinois, said. "But there's ways to do it, and my opinion is that they took the wrong path." On Monday, both Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and Hastert said they were "very concerned" about the search, which was conducted under a warrant issued by a federal judge. House Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said Tuesday that "the congress will clearly speak to this issue of the justice department's invasion of the legislative branch. In what form I don't know." House Majority Leader John Boehner of Ohio said Tuesday that "the congress will clearly speak to this issue of the justice department's invasion of the legislative branch. In what form I don't know." "I've got to believe at the end of the day it's going to end up across the street, at the Supreme Court," Boehner said. "I don't see anything short of that."While emphasizing that all lawmakers must obey the law and the rules of the House, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, on Tuesday echoed Hastert's concern that the Constitution's separation of powers had been violated."Our founders in their wisdom placed this separation of powers into our Constitution, not to put anyone above the law but to protect the American people of the abusive power of the executive branch," Pelosi said.Just like when that latest Kennedy had accident in D.C. and was drove home by some paid off cops, you and I would be under the jail to this day awaiting just a preliminary hearing. Our politicians are way out of control, way out of regard to the Founding Fathers and the meaning of the Constitution.The Imperial Senate and House of Lords just do what they want without regard to the average American citizen. If they did care and had backbone (and only a very scant few really do), our border with Mexico would be sealed with active duty military by now.Founders' Quote Daily"I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground that 'all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.' To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn around the powers of Congress, is to take possession of a boundless field of power, not longer susceptible of any definition."-- Thomas Jefferson (Opinion on the Constitutionality of a National Bank, 15 February 1791)I doubt our 'esteemed, learned, and 'democratically elected' politicians could put half a sentence together with such 'english' as was used by our Founding Fathers without a 'duh, huh, um, or do-what' in the first sentence.
Posted Wed 17 May 2006 10:28
It worries the Mexican Government so much that they are THREATENING you, the American citizen, with lawsuits if the National Guard detains any Mexicans crossing the border. Whose fracking country is this anyway!!?? It belongs to the people of America and if Mexico has an issue with Americans....bring it on. As for the mayor Calexico who is totally against any kind of border enforcement (he has Mexican heritage)...I vote for an immediate annexation of Calexico, California to Mexico with the new wall built around the city, cut off all utilities and especially, American citizenship, law enforcement, defense, and tax dollars. It needs to be an object lesson and see how well the pro-Mexico Mexican Americans like being, just Mexican. Time for people to chose sides and decide, am I Mexican or American since this issue centers mostly upon Mexico, Mexico's government, and people of Mexican decent
Posted Fri 05 May 2006 10:34
Ghadafi said they will take over Europe in two decades, a possibility unless the French, Germans, and Italians put a stop to the insane immigration they have. I hope they realize if Islam takes over, everything they enjoy out of life from Cafe's to Soccer will change. No more August vacations, no more beaches, and the same can be said here in the U.S. as well. Everything we enjoy will be gone all do to the strict archaic laws of the Quran that have been morphed into insanity by the radicals of today's Islamic fundlementalism. I had three muslims working for me. Two were converts, one a Pakistani, this was pre-2001. The one, an African-American was explaining to me one day on how to properly say a greeting. What struck me was he was saying it like he was taught/instructed, like an Arab from the Middle East. Using that gutteral, got a hack in the throat sound. Then I realized that Islam is dominated by Arabs, for Arabs, and that anyone else is just a tool for their means. Jesus taught his followers how to say a prayer to God, he taught them in Arameic, the language of the land back then. Today, I say it, in English, and I"m sure God understands me just fine.
Posted Wed 12 April 2006 19:48
Merriam Webster Dictionary: n. The aggregate of the undeveloped nations of the world. From online 'The World Traveler': CharacteristicsThe underdevelopment of the third world is marked by a number of common traits; distorted and highly dependent economies devoted to producing primary products for the developed world and to provide markets for their finished goods; traditional, rural social structures; high population growth; and widespread poverty. Nevertheless, the third world is sharply differentiated, for it includes countries on various levels of economic development. And despite the poverty of the countryside and the urban shantytowns, the ruling elites of most third world countries are wealthy.I've been mulling this topic as a thread for a very long time. I thought I would do much more indepth research and present my facts and findings at once posting. But tonight, while doing my 'sh..,shower n' shave' routine, I had the radio on listening to Michael Savage, but tonight former Rep. Bob Dornan was sitting in, and they were discussing, the 'immigration' issue. Then he took a call from Vince. Vince is an 80 year old gentleman, fought with the Army in WW2. He said that when the first bomb hit Pearl Harbor, there was no doubt in his mind, in the end, the USA would whip Imperialist Japan. But today, he said, he has doubt, if he knew then what he knows now, he might not have even joined. He also said that this country is heading to become a 'Third World' country.That statement from an old guy whose BTDT and then some said a lot to me. It made me realize that I'm not the only one seeing what's happening to the USA. Over the next month or so, I"ll keep popping back onto this thread, argue, debate, agree, and also keep inserting my two cents for what it's worth, on how I see the decline of this great Nation happening before our eyes.My first observation will be of the most recent news. The waves of illegal aliens. They're not immigrants, they're not migrant workers, they're illegal foreigners from other countries that entered this country without proper documentation and permission. The wave after wave of unchecked illegals shows the pure impotence of our Federal and State Governments to check this invasion. A State governement would've sealed their borders with whatever National Guard, State Police, and police forces they have, and told the Feds to shove it. That's if they really cared about what's happening. But they're party to the great blind eye.Also, Iran. Iran has showed zero fear in any kind of United States military action. Since 1979, Khomeni even worried about the bombs dropping, but they never were dropped. And today, Iran gives us the finger and our Government sticks out their tongue back. Spain is going to sell Venezuela military planes and ships. So much for a respected friend and ally. The Spanish Government fears no reprisal from a dying giant. And Venezeula. The American Ambassador's car was 'attacked' with eggs, vegetables, and pounded upon by motorcyclist. Pres. Reagan by now would've blown something up in Caracas. But Chavez, he has no fear of the dying giant either. Our heavy manufacturing is almost totally gone, our auto manufactoring has been a joke for the past thirty years rolling out crap. Our politicians have no spine, very little morality and true patriotism. Our schools teach everything but reading, writing, and arithmetics. Jay Leno and Sean Hannity have great fun interviewing 'JayWalking/Man on the Street', which shows the intelligence of the 'average' American. what...service industry. Sex and porn are becoming one of America's leading economic bases. Hey, it's your wife and daughter the foreigners are banging. I remember when the Phillippines in the 70's and 80's used to hold the sex capital title. Now it's the USA. After hurricane Katrina. Mississippi and Louisiana still look like war zones. This in a country that is supposed to be a 'Super Power'? Why wasn't there a real outpouring of Nationalism from Americans. Throw a few dollars and old clothes at a charity. Yeah, that really fixed the problems.There are many parallels between what happened to the Roman Empire and what is happening to the USA now. Those I"ll draw out later unless someone else beats me to it.I used to be optomistic. But the events of the past 16 years on the political, religious, and social fronts are more indicators of the dire direction this country is heading. Now, things are coming to a nexus. More to follow.......
Posted Thu 13 April 2006 10:34
Great to see some honest and real debate without the name calling that plagues many threads. I will get back to the many questions posed at me, but I'm at work, on my lunch break. To add some meat to this 'theory' if you will, I just heard that the Ford Motor Company announced the closing of two truck producing factories, one in Norfolk,VA., the other in Minnesota. That will cost about 4000 employees their lively hood.Also what needs to be considered is the outward effect of these closings. Affects on the transporters of the finished vehicles, the gas stations, dry cleaners, the resturants, the vending companies, paper supply companies for administration. The utility company's that supply water and electricity will be effected, and may have to cut back their personnel as well. Even cost of utilities may be passed on to the remaining community since large company's help offset cost to local residential consumers. In grade school, most of us, should have learned about the balance of nature and how taking out one predator affects the whole food chain. Wolves removed from an area, deer increase but eventually starve from overpopulation.Same can be said of a large factory in a community. Communities grow around a large factory, and when the factory dies, so does many of the supporting factors within the community. Looking in our local paper today, the jobs are all service related in some sense. Hotels, deliveries, car sales, greyhound leadout at a dog track, resturants, real estate, all jobs that hold no real future value but are very transitory. I seen a picture today of 'illegal aliens' protesting holding a sign, "This is OUR country, not yours'. It's on World Net Daily. My father and grandfather's generation would not have tolerated that nonsense/challenge one bit. But we, all mullified in one way or another, just take it with a grain of salt and give up a bit more of our Heritage/Nation at the same time.Both Italy and France has great empires at one time or another, look at them today. Last week, Venezuela seized both of their country's oil fields without blinking. Neither country can do nothing but pout in relatiation. How will we end up in the end?More to follow....
Posted Thu 13 April 2006 19:27
Originally posted by bored_inda_ville:Bj, if you are interesting in comparing old world empires to the US you should consider the British empire and its decline after WW1. The world economy shifted and they REFUSED to change with it. If anything this REFUSAL to change along with world condiditions is the greatest threat to the United States. You speak of what your father and grandfather would have done and that is a problem. The world today is changing at a stagering pace. The time will soon be upon us when "nationalism" is for history classes and books and "globalism" will be the reality. Those who do not change will be left behind just as the Brits were not so long ago. I try to look at all great civilizations from history's past to compare what we are experiencing today with our country. Though we are not an 'empire' per se, we became the defacto World's Policeman after WW2. Everyone looked to the USA in time of grave crisis, either following our lead or listening to our leaders. I said at the beginning, this thread my sound of pessimism, but I do not have all that inside. There is still a belief that this road we're traveling on can be changed. From President Ronald Reagan: "How can we not believe in the greatness of America? How can we not do what is right and needed to preserve this last best hope of man on earth? After all our struggle to restore America, to revive confidence in our country, hope for our future, after all our hard won victories earned through the patience and courage of every citizen, we cannont, must not, and will not turn back. We will finish our job. How could we do less? We're Americans."That is a core belief in ourselves we must maintain. It is something I still have, belief in the common American to do what is right, to do what is necessary to keep this country safe and strong. But it's the never ending battle that we fight against our media, our politicians, who both sing of negativity, polarization of thought and belief. I believe, and I know, most Americans are really p.o.'ed with Pres. Bush's spending and the unchecked billions that have gone into where?? I know, and others may argue, that the Presidency of Bill Clinton was nothing but a mere joke, a legacy of a stained blue dress. I heard tonight that Pres. Clinton never once met with CIA D/CIA Woosley during his tenure for a real briefing of what is going on in this World. It's not the people that bring down great nations, it's the leaders. Leadership for all the great books, lectures, Power Point presentations, guru's is sorely lacking in our country. Leadership in government, and leadership in the private sector....WorldCom, Enron. Your computer your using to read my dictum of witless wit, when you call for tech support...does your call go overseas or stay here in the US? Lenovo and Best Buy just signed a partnership deal to sell computers here in the USA. That's Lenovo... in China. So is this a great benefit for America? Get a job at Best Buy and sell Lenovo computers....I remember when Circuit City was king...what goes up...must come down. And so will Best Buy, and Wal-Mart.Gas.....I heard that Brazil did some forward thinking in the 70's and mandated that their country develope fuel for cars from sugar cane. By this summer, Brazil will import zero oil for it's consumption. Our gas companies jacked us good a few months ago with inflated prices, then there was some feel good hearies on the Hill, now what do we pay, $3.00 a gallon, even more. Where are our leaders? Looking out for you? Nope, they're on vacation.More to follow......
Posted Tue 07 February 2006 15:04
NATO should be just that...the North Atlantic TREATY Organization. It should be just a "treaty" between the countries of the North American hemisphere and Europe (to include Turkey). All the countries need to sit down and draft a real treaty of unity in the time of world crisis. Or.....NATO needs to close the book on it's history and become a part of history. The E.U. needs to stand on it's own and the U.S.A. can begin negotiating individually with all countries for basing forward military forces and supplies. With the rapidly changing world of politics/religion, it's too easy for the U.S. to lose most importantly, thousands of troops, American families overnight along with advanced weaponary equipment,and secrets that could cause grave damage to the USA. If a country would turn on us overnight in Europe, it would not be as in Panama where our forces on Panamaian soil could stand their own until the 82nd arrived within hours. Time is now to move our forces and families out. As I just heard on ABC radio news, our own southern border is being 'invaded' daily by more heavily armred and uniformed personnel. Our military is needed home, our military needs to be in stationed in 'secure' and 'safe' areas. More I think of it, NATO needs to go to the history books. France and Germany can pick up the tab from now on.
Posted Thu 06 April 2006 09:59
Wish you would've been more specific ma'am on branch, type of training, etc. Last night, Fox News ran a story about the more kinder/gentler (leftist/DNC/ACLU influenced) Army boot camp. It talked how recruits now get 8 hours a night of sleepy time, how they get full 3 meals a day of as much as they can eat, how physical fitness standards have been lowered (since we hear almost daily how fat our younger generation has become). How recruits get to use their cell phones and call 'Mommy' more often. And how Drill Instructors do not get into their faces and yell (and especially use potty mouth words) to recruits.You fools. Know this well that history is repeating itself. Towards Rome's downfall, it's well dressed, manicured 'home' Army marched north and met the Germanic tribes and were slaughtered by a hardened people.Now, our fat, no phsycial activities kids are now in a quasi-military getting pretty uniforms, whiz bang gadgets, gizmo's, and weapons that still jam in sand. Our enemies wear sandles, t-shirts, head scarfs and carry just they need to kill with. Especially a sharp knife to cut the throat of an infidel that's too busy pushing useless buttons to notice he/she is about to die, too fat to run, too weak to fight back. Reap what you sow, kinder gentler boot camp.
Posted Fri 31 March 2006 15:06
Originally posted by Omen_Orthodox:Can anyone educated on economics tell us what your thoughts are on the future of the U.S. Economy. Tell us what you think of the Stock Market, Real Estate, Jobs being outsourced, raising Oil prices, etc. and all that good stuff. Are we like the Roman Empire? Are we going to colapse? First mistake is asking for 'educated' people here, most of us are most likely public schooled. Between Leno and Hannity's man in the street series, this country's born and raised are about on the level of 8th graders.The future of our economy for the next 4 - 6 years is pretty good. But, with the majority of our economy heading more towards 'customer service industry', the economy will begin to tank. Our factories for major production have been closing beyond an alarming rate. American motors companies, after 20 years of building crap and caving to unions, are now closing down.With the immigration issue that will not be resolved with backbone, more of the same will continue.By 2015, the Hispanic community will become one of the largest political powers. By then Hawaii will probably leave the 'Union', the Aztalan movement will try to reclaim the Southwest of the U.S. and have the political clout/numbers to do it. Afterwards, the Balkanization of the U.S. will soon follow. Mayberry FRD USA is dead as of today. There is no way American can return to that era where everyone speaks English. Where everyone stands up and says the Pledge of the United States. The era of our grandfathers and fathers is over. The new America that is coming is not going to be friendly. This may sound very pessimistic and doomsdayish, but in what positive direction has this country gone since Reagan left Office? Try this little exercise: who are all your neighbors on your block, how many do you trust without question? Do you trust every law enforcement officer?
Posted Fri 31 March 2006 17:45
Originally posted by bjpeters:
Originally posted by Omen_Orthodox:Can anyone educated on economics tell us what your thoughts are on the future of the U.S. Economy. Tell us what you think of the Stock Market, Real Estate, Jobs being outsourced, raising Oil prices, etc. and all that good stuff. Are we like the Roman Empire? Are we going to colapse? First mistake is asking for 'educated' people here, most of us are most likely public schooled. Between Leno and Hannity's man in the street series, this country's born and raised are about on the level of 8th graders.The future of our economy for the next 4 - 6 years is pretty good. But, with the majority of our economy heading more towards 'customer service industry', the economy will begin to tank. Our factories for major production have been closing beyond an alarming rate. American motors companies, after 20 years of building crap and caving to unions, are now closing down.With the immigration issue that will not be resolved with backbone, more of the same will continue.By 2015, the Hispanic community will become one of the largest political powers. By then Hawaii will probably leave the 'Union', the Aztalan movement will try to reclaim the Southwest of the U.S. and have the political clout/numbers to do it. Afterwards, the Balkanization of the U.S. will soon follow. Mayberry RFD USA is dead as of today. There is no way American can return to that era where everyone speaks English. Where everyone stands up and says the Pledge of the United States. The era of our grandfathers and fathers is over. The new America that is coming is not going to be friendly. This may sound very pessimistic and doomsdayish, but in what positive direction has this country gone since Reagan left Office? Try this little exercise: who are all your neighbors on your block, how many do you trust without question? Do you trust every law enforcement officer you encounter to not be like those on The Shield? CincHouse came in and said we had to go out for supper so I wanted to finish my mindless thought here. What bothers me greatly, is this 'war on terrer' (I know it's 'terror'), but why hasn't our Government shut that southern border down knowing damn well, millions have come across without check, and some have been OTM's from the Middle East. Why hasn't our Congress DEMANDED action? Why haven't Governor's stood up for their State and deployed their National Guard or State Police to the border? Why doesn't any politician show real concern, have real guts, and do what our Fore Fathers would have done by now to protect America?! Their (politicians) inactions have greatly increased my pessismistic thoughts on our future.I read somewhere where China has so heavily bought into U.S. bonds that if they dump them on the market, our economy is going to take a real quick dive. But as long as we buy 'Wal-Mart' and any crap 'Made in China', the PRC will not react harshly while they grow their economy and military.The housing bubble once so great here on the Gulf Coast is quickly slowing. More homes are sitting longer, prices are coming back towards Earth, and people are fixing up rather than moving. There are some bright debt among Americans is dropping. Drug use with teens is dropping. More people are shunning Hollywood for real life. Much of our future depends immediately upon the Immigration Bill being passed and passed with teeth. Not by rounding up illegals, but firstly with the Mexican border being shut. Vicente Fox said he will place more law enforcement on the border (badges...we don't need no stinking badges) and in the smae breath he said his Gov't will not stop people heading 'north' into the U.S. Free health care and social services for 'illegal' aliens must stop immediately. Those who are caught, sent back, repeat offenders need to go to that Arizona Sheriff's prison to sit for two years before being sent back. I like the idea of prisoners picking the fields. With millions of healthy males sitting around in prison eating up tax dollars, they could do some honest work and in return, reduced sentences.Okay, I got off the economy...but it's all related.
Posted Mon 13 March 2006 09:27
This is a soap box issue to me. I believe in the 'draft', one that does not excuse anyone for anyreason in time of grave national conflict, i.e. World War, the improbable but possible invasion of the USA. But as long as we have an all volunteer military, the standards should be kept very high and with the understanding to anyone joining some basics. Those basics being that the military is meant to fight a war, it's not there to get away from 'Mommy and Daddy', to pay for school, caused I need a job. With today's technology, a civilian leadership willing to use massive firepower instead of people as cannon fodder, a truely professional military can be maintained with enough quality personnel. The maximum age of joining should be raised without doubt, because of improved health care, people live longer with better health. The ten year retirement option would be very valuable then in retaining quality personnel.A huge problem with greatly surfaced during the Clinton years was using the military as a Peace Corps and not as a military corps. Mommy needs to stay out of boot camp, and 'we are the world' liberalism needs to stay out of the military. Generation Y is going to be a huge problem in finding 'warriors' to protect our way of life. Everything that was pointed out in the article is so true. People from each generation since WWII can easily testify to how each successive generation has become weaker in body and spirit.This is generational, not talking in particulars of the those actually serving today. They themselves know of friends and family peers who couldn't do what they do.This is a good article that needs to send off some warning signals all across the board in D.C. I'll use it in a future posting I'll call Third World USA.
Posted Sun 29 May 2005 10:57
Yep, let's bury our heads in the sand, everything in the good 'ol USA is just fine. It can't happen here. Nope. Japan bombs Pearl Harbor..sneak attack. Can't happen here. Terrorist hijack four jet airliners and kill over 3000 Americans in one hour. Can't happen here. I bet after Tito died in Yugoslavia, all across that country they all believed that someone else would come along and continue the growth of Yugoslavia as a country. We saw what really happened there. Bet everyone thought no huge riots could take place in the United States no more as they did in the 60's. What happened after the verdict of not guilty in Los Angeles in the beating of Rodney King? Country wide rioting. Yeah, let's just kill this thread. Civil War in the United States, how absurd....can't happen here. Let's hope this posts this time.

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