Monday, September 3, 2007

Postings Oct 21st - Nov 08th 2006

Sow and reap
Wednesday, November 08, 2006 8:56 PM
The day of decision has come and gone and for the most part, I've just watched the dust settle today to see what is really going on. Still some dust swirling obscuring my vision, but looking into my earth glass globe of the future, things look clear as mud. Watching Jericho right now, I still feel it's pretty dead on about our future, a possible path that we may take if Americans don't get their heads screwed on straight. The Dem's have voting control of the Congress and the 'Chair's' of a many committees, which I predict will come down to mostly partisan bickering and assaults on the Bush Adminstration. As Wall Street acted today, they too foresee politicial deadlock for the next two years despite the lies of Pelosi and Reid, who amazingly enough jumped in front of the TV cameras for the first time in two weeks. Is that the kind of 'leadership' this country is in for the next two years?? You fools for electing them into power. All this election was really about was a no-confidence vote in President Bush and the anti-Iraq War sentiment. It had nothing to do with the Democrats that were foolishly elected into office. Keep an eye on the taxes.....heard Charlie Rangel on Cavuto this afternoon, and when asked about whether taxes would be raised, his answer was very vague, wanting to get both political parties of the tax committee in a secluded retreat (can you spell tax money being spent on a resort trip??....that's Democratic thinking already) and work out a tax plan. I wonder, what's wrong with all the offices and conference rooms already inside the halls of Congress??? That's how your tax money is wasted dear reader, your money, that could fix your roads, your sewer system, your electrical grid, on their secluded retreats, etc. Now Republican politicans are also to blame on that as well, accountibility is something that needs to be held. If the people lose their power over the government, then all the sacrifices made since 1770 to this day, have been for naught. Ever since the Clinton Administration, my trust in the Democrats is at zero. Ever since the Communist Chinese gained MIRV technology via the Clinton's, the entire DNC has covered for them, which makes the all suspect. Hey, whatever happened to those FBI files that Hillary had while just a First Lady?? Doesn't anyone ask questions no more? This is one reason also why the Republicans lost their butt in this election, they failed to stand up for America.
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President Bush on his A-game
Monday, November 06, 2006 3:17 PM
Well dear reader, I'm sorry but I have nothing to reference this to except what I had just witnessed on local TV. The President just gave a very passionate and excellent speech to a crowd of 10,000. What I really liked was his true comment/question to the Democrats? What is your plan? If a Democrat candidate says he/she is going to fight the war on terror, ask 'what is your plan? And so on. But that simple question rings so true, we've heard nothing, absolutely nothing from the Democrats but criticize, bash, demoralize and offer absolutely no plan on anything. Our economy is steaming rolling, our security is being enhanced every day, our future is bright...unless the Democrats take over and if you noticed by doing your research..the Communist Party is supporting the Democrats...birds of a feather. That speech was very motivating and uplifting and dead on true, tomorrow is a tell-all day for America's future. Don't put our future into the hands of those who in the past have given our security and your hard earned money away in tax raises.
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NBC targets US Military
Saturday, November 04, 2006 9:41 PM
I saw an ad for NBC's To Catch A Predator was going to be tonight, Saturday, November 4th and having previously watched the countless predators being caught, I thought tonight would be a new episode, was I wrong. It was a repeat. But what caught my attention and thoughts were to words of Stone Phillips and Ann Curry, that tonights episode centered on the U.S. military, and that was emphisized twice before the show began. Can it be just a coincidence that NBC decided to air that episode tonight, or was it something that is supposed to leak into the subconscious of America days before the November 7th election? A show definitely anti-military in it's presentation. A show that can make a voter unconsciously biased in their voting by thinking ill of the military, which will connect to Iraq, which will connect to Bush, and anger will prompt that voter to vote Democrat despite which candidate may be the better person for the position. I will begin to watch which companies advertise during NBC's news shows and buy from their competitors. NBC News wishes to be a political entity instead of an unbiased news organization, then I for one, will treat NBC News as such.
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Good News, bad news
Friday, November 03, 2006 8:31 PM
I did not wish to entertain this with my last posting, but here's something that you as well need to seriously consider. The good news: After this Tuesday, all this election campaign mud slinging over the top everywhere you go adverstising is going to be done with. The bad news: 2006 campaign season is just a warm-up and preparation for an unreal 2008 election season, especially with the President's position coming open. 2008 is going to be down right brutal and unlike what some of our more favoritie talk radio host say....2008 will be the most important election in the United States history since 1861. 2008 election will be a deciding election in the course of the USA which will mean either we will continue as a free democratic society or truely begin a hard drift towards socialism and the end of the Constitution and dream of our Fore Fathers. Tuesday counts, and counts very heavily towards National security and the personal safety of every American. A Democratically controlled Congress will and I say this and you watch if the worse comes to pass and the Dem's win control, they will spend more time, money, energy, resources, in trying to prosecute President Bush than on any or all of concerns of business of Congress combined. The wrong people are in charge of the DNC at the top and at the top behind the scenes, and their agenda will be nothing but attacking President Bush and dismantling the safety of the American people for their own personal gains. There are good and honorable people in the DNC, but for the love of this Country, do not allow the current crop of DNC leaders to gain power and control, truely research and think about it before Tuesday. Then begin thinking about 2008 and the future of our country because everyone else in the political field is only concerned about the here and now and me me me. Your dear reader, you dear voter, are the only one that can really make the difference in the end.
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Where's Waldo - Pelosi and Reid
Friday, November 03, 2006 8:18 PM
Dear reader, we've heard truth today from the radio giants today...the big question..where are Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid? What are they afraind of? If they are/were truely 'leaders' and make this point with your undecided and staunch democrat friends...they were be out in front leading, not hiding behind doors and walls just doing some pushing if not being totally silent in fear the truth would come out of their mouths as it did with John Kerry this past week. Leaders lead from the front which is why President Bush is out on the campaign trail. Pushers hide behind big desks and locked doors issuing orders to their underlings which I no doubt, they consider sub human to them. Check out World Net Daily's story today about "Democrats: No Comment on terrorist endorsement. That shows their lack of moral courage, that shows their lack of patriotic courage, that shows their lack of any real kind of decision making. A true leader would have said something by now....think about about it...the safety of your families future rest on this coming Tuesday.
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Say what you mean, mean what you say
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 11:08 PM
That is how the saying goes. There is nothing here I have written that I have not meant, no hidden meanings, and espeically, none of that Washington D.C. political crapola of 'what he/she really meant to say was.." That is the biggest lie ever said. If anyone's 'spoke's person' comes out afterwards and says, what they really meant to say was.... do not believe them!! Case in point, what the right media has been pounding all day, and the drive by media anxiously trying to burying due to DNC pressure is Shenatsnore Kerry's remarks yesterday. At the Pasadena City College, Sen. Kerry (D-MA) said "You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don't, you get stuck in Iraq." I didn't hear any of this until about sometime after 10am via Neal Boortz and when Neal played that audio clip, I about crashed my company's van because I became so upset at the sheer insolence of Sen. Kerry (D-MA). I also heard later, via Rush's show, played live, Sen. Kerry (D-MA), what he really meant to say speech. I did hear he was not going to apologize to anyone. That makes sense to me. Sen. Kerry (D-MA), is a typical arrogent snob who are of the ilk that believe anyone who doesn't make over a million dollars a year and vote straight liberal, is a sub-human, not worthy of not only his attention, but life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Think about it people, Kerry and his kind think you're all fecal matter, nothing more, and they'll ALWAYS treat and regard you in that manner. I quit using Sen. and (D-MA) for two reasons...firstly, John Kerry has lost total respect of the name and station Senator of the United States, and I hope I reminded you enough that he is a Democrat, and leading member of the Democratic Party which means he represents them all!! Lastly, I"m not from Massachusetts but I do wonder why the good people of Massachusetts, keep re-electing both Kerry and Kennedy?? Are the males afraid of those two?? Are the men up there afraid that Kerry or Kennedy will punch them out? Or is it just the money they have which can employ nefarious types to do dirty work that has all the men afraid up there? Men of Massachusetts, you must have better among you to represent you. Your State's great history demands it. Not being sexist, but if there is a better woman and I"m sure there are, make them your State Senator's. Now, I said what I meant, just has Kerry, when he opened his mouth, and his brain formulated the words and they came out just exactly how he really and honestly believes and thinks. With this war on terror and this war in Iraq, support for the military is supposed to be total and unquestionable. I'm a veteran. Kerry went to 'Nam. Big deal. He went to get a ticket punched for his political future as did Al Gore. People in the miltary make rank by punching certain tickets even though there are more often a much better qualified person to be promoted but didn't have the time to do all the little nicities that made his fit-rep or eval look better. Lee Harvey Oswald was in the Marines, does that give him a pass for assassinating President Kennedy. Not in my book, nor does Kerry's Navy service in Nam give him a pass. Put in four good honorable years first, then we'll see what kind of person developes afterwards. Say what you mean, mean what you say, anything else are just lies. A person can expound upon what he/she firstly stated, but to try and change the whole meaning of the words used, just lies since it now becomes a whole new statement of something else entirely. I was watching NBC Nightly News and Brian William's was reporting the story and interviewed Tim Russert, and Mr. Russert made a comment as well that caught my attention immediately but I have to find to quote. What I will say is that Russert's comment was very close to what Kerry said concerning education, the military, and class status....say what you mean, mean what you say. Sorry I didn't have my VHS running, but I will keep looking..more to follow.
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The One Hundred, The Talking Heads
Monday, October 30, 2006 8:44 PM
Most of us realized this was about to happen, another milestone in the 'war on terror'. Another milestone during the Iraq War, one I hated to see made. One hundred families will have a Thanksgiving they won't forget and that will drag into the rest of their Thanksgivings as they remember 2006 without that one family member. For you blustering gutless wonders out there who expouse "we must fight the war on terror and keep sending our troops into Iraq to fight the terrorist" and for you mindless spineless "it's all Bush's fault", go to the following website and read each name and look at each face, it's the least you can do, it's something I have done and will do again, to remember and honor them who have fallen for, for....what...?! go there, and you can click under each year and each month and look into their face!!! Then say a prayer and thank them. I listen to a lot of talk radio, watch a lot of political/non-political cable news programs and channels, but what I noticed most is that all of the major talking heads have not gone to Iraq, either from the left or right. Oh, Rush went to Afghanistan, whoop dee doo, relatively safe there. Savage went on an aircraft carrier during exercises off the coast of California.... What about the troops in Iraq??? Laura Ingraham went to Iraq...what a woman, I salute you for that and she has my deepest respect. Jessica Simpson went to Iraq for pete's sake!!! Boortz cuts anyone off who challenges him on Iraq. Neal, Rush, Sean, Allen, Bill, Joe, Robert, Mike, Micheal, you all have the money, time, and means to why haven't you gone 'Over There'?? You say you support the troops, fine, I'm sure you do, most of that list keep harping about our troops need to stay in Iraq and finish the job. Well get over there and talk to the troops on the ground, talk to the families of those on second and third tours, and talk to the divorcees of those who gone back, I"m sure that's a very quietly keep secure statistic and number. Bob Hope in his 80's went over there, not to mention all the times he went to Vietnam. I get tired of pushers, what happened to leaders?? Everyone, including myself, get's on Clinton's case for not doing more while he was in office. Same difference here. Clinton had the opportunity to make great change for the human race, but squandered it on personal indulgences...and since I'm a Christian, I just have a feeling God is going to be asking Bill, "Why did you waste those eight years I gave you?" But back to the talking heads, you have by Divine Intervention, luck, personal persaverance, family hook ups, been given a platform, means, and opportunity to do something for humanity if not just for your country. Go over there and get a real feel for what's going on and see if you still feel the same. Hillary went over there, does she have more nads that you guys?? Afraid of getting killed or maimed by an IED?? Sure everyone one of those souls on Faces of Valor felt the same as does every troop on the ground over there does tonight. But they have gone and they are there. One Hundred. In 480B.C., Three Hundred Spartans and their Thespian allies faced off againt a "Persian" army numbering near two million men. Those Three Hundred knew they were going to die, our One Hundred did not 'know', whose sacifrice was worth more in the end?? We have this election in seven days now. Republicans, if you lose, you deserve it. Boortz for his credit has named all the reasons very clearly and succinctly that a child could understand. Democrats, if you win, you'll be in the spotlight to either follow the past and blow it, or do the right thing, but I have about zero faith in that happening. Is it any wonder why the majority of this country's citizens distrust, dispise, our Federal Government? The VP told Cavuto today that he believes no major third party will ever emerge....I have more optimism in that happening that I do the current party apparatus righting itself with integrity and forging a bold secure future for this country. I'm off to Faces of Valor, it's the most I can do for now. I did my time, and would fight again if need be. One more thing for you to think about, how about all this voting machine fiasco's going on? If you watch HBO, skip the Saprano's and watch Hacking Democracy, that looked real scarey and interesting. I don't spend the cash for extra cable, but watching Fox And Friends, they did a short good interview with Bev Harris - why to go Ms. Harris for being a real American and seeking the truth about your country.
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Oaxaca, Tenn, Clinton's and Stones
Sunday, October 29, 2006 7:58 PM
There's much pessimissim about lately. In Oaxaca, Mexico, El Presidente Fox sent in Federal Police to stop what started as a teacher's strike but bloomed into anarchy. Tennessee's Senatorial race is way too close to call by any talking head or pollster without losing face big time. And the Clinton's, what a laugh, thought the left would pay over $500,000 a pop for a ticket for 'charity' and to see the Rolling Stones in a private concert. Well, last I read, the tickets are open to the public for about a grand. The people of Oaxaca, thought in the summer their strike would make a difference, the good people of Tennessee are not sure at nine days out who to vote for, and the Clinton's looking for more money for their personal bank book are now slapped with a douse of had a chance to make a blew it..or rather one was blown. Let me switch gears my reader friend. Iraq is again/still in the news. I still see that the same ol' strategy s.o.s. is in place over there. Watching some Army officer talking political correctness to the news about some some Sunni/Shite city that is ninety percent abandoned by it's citizens. Isn't that a clear concise clue as to the reality on the ground over there? Sunni hate the Shite, Shite hate the Sunni, been that way since Mohammed took down Mecca, and it's going to be that way tomorrow, next year, and for ten more years times ten. Until one totally dominates the other, will some sort of peace prevail....scarily enough, like Vietnam. But this time as I have previously written about, the U.S. needs to step back from the fray, build a big base in the Kurdish north, stay there for the next thirty years. Build a big base in Afghanistan and stay there for the next thirty years. But we need to get our troops out of the civil war and just let it get over with, kind of like fighting the California wildfires without setting backfires. Just watched a story about a HUGE Taliban gathering in remote Afghanistan, they were vowing to continue to fight their jihad against the U.S. blah blah blah. Point here is: how did the media get those photos on a clear sunny day and our predator drones did not so our missles and troops could've taken them all out???!!! Probably we did know but since our politicians lack testicular fortitude, more American servicemen will die in the near future and the widows and families back here will be grieving when IT COULD HAVE BEEN PREVENTED BY A PRE-EMPTIVE STRIKE. Republicans lack the stones to fight, Democrats lack the stones to stay, Libertarians are just stoned, and you think our country, as a United fifty States, is going to be here in the next twenty years at this rate???? I said in the beginning there's a lot of pessimissm about, and I'm one concerning our politicians and their abilitiy to lead and keep my country solvent, secure, and whole.
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Who's America??
Thursday, October 26, 2006 8:59 PM
"This is my land, this is your land, From California to the New York Island, From the Redwood forest to the Gulf Stream Waters, this land was made for you and me'. That was the modern version of the song says. Now just 'who is 'you and me'?? According to just about every country south of our border, the United States belongs to them, at least 27 Nations do anyway and top of the list, Mexico. So what this actually tells me is that what the Governments of those nations are saying is: Gringo, go back to Europe. That the 407,300 military casualties from World War Two, saving their countries from either Fascism from Italy and Germany, or a fate far worse under then Empiral Japan, means nothing. That keeping the Soviets from turning all of their countries into block housing of workers means nothing. That keeping arab terrorist armies from totally destroying any sense of their culture, history, and lives, means nothing. Those twenty seven nations are now on my Unfavorable List, take that. Today, the President showed again why we are much like the old Soviet Union, a paper tiger. Back in the Seventies, we in the West used to worry greatly about millions of Soviet troops, thousands upon thousands of tanks rolling across Western Europe and eventually the U.S. itself. Backed by a Navy just as large as ours, with a nuclear arsenal primed to turn the U.S. into one huge piece of glass. Took about two years for the whole house of cards to just fall apart between February 1990 to December 1991. Soon afterwards, we learned of the horrible shape of the susposed military juggarnaut of the Warsaw Pact. In parallel is our feable attempts at securing our country. Bin Laden caught us with our pants down, from the White House to the airport checkpoint. Our response was to build an agency....which took has beens, want to's, might've been's, cast offs, muddlers, and built an agency that was suppose to protect our country. Think about it dear reader, I did after leaning tonight from someone very close to me, that a person who is training fire arms to H.S. is at best, a louse of a human being, and fire arms was not this person's forte in the service. Now, many others who came from all of these other agencies, brought the problems, idiosyncrasies, bureuracracy, red tape, and just plain poor management styles with them to this new agency. Instead of getting totally new people from outside the government Belt Way to build this new agency, we have another huge administration of memo senders and internet watchers and tax payers money being wasted. Now way down on the bottom of the ladder are some good people, doing all the grunt work, doing the work that needs to be done, but anywhere above that level....that leaves me here. The President signed this bill, AUTHORIZING a seven hundred mile section of fence to stop illegal aliens and terrorist from crossing into the land that our ancestors built and died for. But in this bill there money, no real teeth, just a paper tiger.
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Party time
Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:58 PM
Dear reader, why....are you a member of the politcial party you currently are? I'm assuming that you belong to either the DNC or RNC. Watching a news story this morning, a polticial group with a new website that offers 'unbiased' views of all politicians, 'Soup' something or another, I won't advertise for them (without compensation). This story had me thinking again, as many have recently, why do we keep so tightly to such a two party system?? Why these two parties?? Do they really reflect the values of all Americans, and especially the Americans they represent?? I believe a good idea for all Americans is to go completely independent and dump all parties and for a elections, the current parties will of course maintain the numbers, but more independents would become viable candidates under people power/votes. This is not an endorsement of the Libertarian Party. This is all about one person, one vote. The party's are blurring, the lack of confidence by the American people in the current Congress of the past twelve years is telling. Indepence is what Americans declared in 1774, Independence is what Americans need to declare in 2007. Unless you like the DNC and their growing Socialist agenda, or the RNC and their support of big business, and continued lack of testicular fortitude. Those are the glaring issues of each major party as I see it, you dear reader, please research for yourself, decide for yourself, while you can.
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Walks like a duck, quack likes a duck..
Sunday, October 22, 2006 3:46 PM
Doing my daily news search on various websites to see what's happening outside of my community..which is sadly often boring and moving backwards due to an entrenced good 'ol boy system. But here I come across a story of a female police officer being doused with gasoline and lit on fire. Does it matter that this police officer is in France, not to me. She's a police officer. It's French politics that tics me off, not French people....which in general I believe is most people's feelings worldwide, it's the politics of a government that causes ill will and problems, not the people. Back to the police officer, here's the story:
Revenge for drug arrest behind ambush of police in Paris suburb, official says
The Associated PressSATURDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2006-->Published: October 21, 2006
BOBIGNY, France Five people were placed under investigation Saturday for attempted murder after ambushing police in a northern Paris suburb and officials reported new attacks on police, days before France marks the first anniversary of fiery suburban riots.
In the new violence, about 30 youths threw stones and two Molotov cocktails at a police car as it arrived Friday night to respond to a garbage bin fire in a neighborhood of the town of Orleans, some 130 kilometers (80 miles) south of Paris, police said, adding that no one was injured.
Less than 24 hours earlier, a band of hooded attackers doused a female police officer with gasoline in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois after luring police to the scene, officials said.
The increasing targeting of police raised the tension a notch, ahead of the one-year marker this Friday of the start of three weeks of rioting that shook France to its core and laid bare layers of discrimination against the large minority communities living in suburban housing projects.
In Bobigny, in the Seine-Saint-Denis region where the rioting started, five people on Saturday were placed under investigation — a step short of being charged — on counts of attempted murder with premeditation on public agents, criminal association and making death threats, judicial officials said.
The five are suspects in an Oct. 13 ambush in the town of Epinay-sur-Seine, north of Paris, in which police were lured to a housing project then attacked by about 30 youths. One officer hit by a rock required 30 stitches to the face. Four of the five suspects were jailed. Four other people initially detained were freed.
The state prosecutor, Francois Molins, said the well-planned ambush was a revenge attack for a recent drug arrest. The suspect in question in that arrest, identified only as Silimaka, was among the five placed under investigation, officials said. They were not authorized to speak publicly and asked that their names be withheld. Saturday was Salimaka's 18th birthday, they said.
Prosecutor Molins painted a similar scenario for the attack early Friday in Aulnay-sous-Bois, telling reporters that hooded youths set a trap to seek revenge for a companion sentenced last week to three months in prison, with two months suspended, for stoning a police car.
"What is new is the growing violence against police and this phenomenon of ambushes used to avenge earlier (police) interventions," said David Skuli, department director for public security.
Police also have been attacked in the southern suburb of Corbeille-Essonnes and in Les Mureaux, to the west of Paris.
Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, responding to the growing attacks on police officers, has urged tougher punishment for such acts.

BOBIGNY, France Five people were placed under investigation Saturday for attempted murder after ambushing police in a northern Paris suburb and officials reported new attacks on police, days before France marks the first anniversary of fiery suburban riots.
In the new violence, about 30 youths threw stones and two Molotov cocktails at a police car as it arrived Friday night to respond to a garbage bin fire in a neighborhood of the town of Orleans, some 130 kilometers (80 miles) south of Paris, police said, adding that no one was injured.
Less than 24 hours earlier, a band of hooded attackers doused a female police officer with gasoline in the Paris suburb of Aulnay-sous-Bois after luring police to the scene, officials said.
The increasing targeting of police raised the tension a notch, ahead of the one-year marker this Friday of the start of three weeks of rioting that shook France to its core and laid bare layers of discrimination against the large minority communities living in suburban housing projects.
In Bobigny, in the Seine-Saint-Denis region where the rioting started, five people on Saturday were placed under investigation — a step short of being charged — on counts of attempted murder with premeditation on public agents, criminal association and making death threats, judicial officials said.
The five are suspects in an Oct. 13 ambush in the town of Epinay-sur-Seine, north of Paris, in which police were lured to a housing project then attacked by about 30 youths. One officer hit by a rock required 30 stitches to the face. Four of the five suspects were jailed. Four other people initially detained were freed.
The state prosecutor, Francois Molins, said the well-planned ambush was a revenge attack for a recent drug arrest. The suspect in question in that arrest, identified only as Silimaka, was among the five placed under investigation, officials said. They were not authorized to speak publicly and asked that their names be withheld. Saturday was Salimaka's 18th birthday, they said.
Prosecutor Molins painted a similar scenario for the attack early Friday in Aulnay-sous-Bois, telling reporters that hooded youths set a trap to seek revenge for a companion sentenced last week to three months in prison, with two months suspended, for stoning a police car.
"What is new is the growing violence against police and this phenomenon of ambushes used to avenge earlier (police) interventions," said David Skuli, department director for public security.
Police also have been attacked in the southern suburb of Corbeille-Essonnes and in Les Mureaux, to the west of Paris.
Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, responding to the growing attacks on police officers, has urged tougher punishment for such acts.
The attacks are being blamed on 'drug' gangs but the frequency, timing, and ruthlessness is more akin to what they are afraid to say, Islamo fascistism. Drugs are known to be used by the I.F. movments to fund their terrorist activities and with each incident of French people fighting for their own culture's existence. Once again, the USA has time and space, being the Atlantic Ocean keeping the numbers of ravenous immigrants from tearing into our society, though we seen it's happening in our Southwest with each closing of a hospitals emergency room. But the core of the problem are illegal immigrants and it's only time we have now, before police officers here begin to suffer attacks like the police are in France. Well Washington DC politicians??? What you going to do?? Keep attacking each others party and the President or fix and save our Nation?????!!!!
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Told you so
Saturday, October 21, 2006 10:08 PM
I just recently heard this via Neal Boortz the other day about Muslim Mosque in Michigan blaring their calls to worship. So I just did a quick Dogpile and came up with a few stories dating back to 2004, here is an exerpt: By Val May 19, 2004Hamtramck, Michigan, a 23,000 strong community known for Polish food, strong Catholic values and the energizing strains of the polka will soon be moving to the strains of a new song- Islam. That is, unless residents defeat the town council’s permission for the Bangladeshi al-Islah mosque to broadcast calls to prayer five times a day. Each call to prayer lasts around two minutes – so for 10 minutes a day all residents of this small mid-west town will be forcibly exposed to Islam in the name of multiculturalism. The first call will go out at 6 a.m. and the last one at 10 p.m. The mosque says these hours of curtailment do not necessarily fit in with the Islamic schedule, but the Imam is generously prepared to compromise. Now, why back in around 2000, Newsmax had a good forum running and that's where I first go into forums. Back then the Islamo fascism problem was raising it's head and back then I wrote a few threads about how some day in the near future, muslims would be having the ACLU enforce having loud speakers put on so all muslims could be called to worship. I also said that some day in the future, every single American city, neighborhood, burg, town, and National forest, will have loudspeakers put up so muslims would hear their call to worship. You tell me there is not a major fracking storm coming to the USA, a huge head to head storm coming unless our political leadership grows some nads and tackles this problem head on now before it gets to the point that vigilatism will, WILL, do what is necessary to protect the heritiage of those who built this country. Peace and quiet...yeah right....who could get a good sleep with that crap going off six times a day....arabic sheepherder language being blasted through every household. A loudspeaker posted on every half mile in every American neighborhood, that would be the only way to ensure a muslim would hear the call to worship and that's what they will fight to have done. Bend over America, Mayberry RFD is dead, you didn't fight to keep it alive.
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America v Rome is Third World
Saturday, October 21, 2006 9:52 PM
My better half and I had, repeat, had to go to Wal Mart today. Not my favorite place, only due to the fact that this Wal Mart is usually filthy inside and out and the service sucks. The Corporate honcho's did stick some new paint on the outside just recently....whoowee... While waiting for my leading lady to finish her transaction at hand, I stood and watched the masses go by, and I did this while we did our shopping to pick up a few items, then again in the check out...LINE.... Sidebar: why does Wal-Mart have 8000 checkout registers and only 12 people manning them??? Any opening day of a new Wal Mart every one of those are staffed. Weird huh? So I'm watching humanity as it goes by, and one distinct fact began jumping out as discuss build up inside of me. The Caucasion American race is in decline physically and mentaliy. Either the males all had 'dunlaps' (where da tummy dun lap over da belt) or they look like twinks (if you don't know that term, you're behind the times so learn and then you may understand why certain male members of your family or friendship are the way they are). But the hispanic males I see, who work mostly physical jobs, are phsyically fit even if they carry some extra weight. American caucasion males for the most part (just start looking around yourself dear reader) are physically weak. Rome in it's heyday, had armies from outside it's hallowed walls of Rome, fighting and protecting the Roman Empire, but the Roman's themselves, became weak, physically, mentality, emotionally, and Rome's armies of outsiders turned on Rome since there were not enough Romans or Italians at the time, to keep this great Empire safe and alive. The illegal immigration issue is doing the same thing to the United States, outsiders are doing the heavy lifting while those inside our walls, get weaker or fatter or both. Outsiders are in our military, most honorably, but at a growing number which someday WILL jeopordize our national security, they are in our 'public' security apparatus i.e. TSA which World Net Daily has a nice story today about that. Others before me have rang this bell, trying to warn others of the impending storm, and borrowing from Michael Savage..borders, language, culture, without securing our border, ensuring one official language, and keeping our 'American' culture...we, like Rome, WILL FALL. And what will be left is a Third World country, or several parts there of.
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Iraq...We Accomplished the Mission
Saturday, October 21, 2006 3:11 PM
I asked the question to an Army Staff Sergeant I worked with, whose unit entered Baghdad during the initial invasion, what he thought of Iraq and what was going on. He said, we accomplished the mission we were told to do.....remove Saddam and Saddam's power. U.S. and Coalition Forces did just that. The mission was a success!!! The removal of Saddam!! No where did the mission include rebuilding and standing up a whole new government in Iraq. That was not the 'mission'. That was/is an after-thought of politics and nothing more. Militarily, we won, we accomplished the mission and that is what needs to be publicly said!!! Militarily we can wipe out all of Iraq's insurgency, but it will take political guts that our politicians have not displayed since 1945 when two nukes were used on Japan. Civilian casualties are too much for our politicians to withstand. Our military must be saved from our politicians!!! Since our politicians tie the hands of the military, it has made our military very vulnerable with increasing casualty rates every week. Iran, North Korea, China, and maybe even Russia will require our military to be ready very soon in the near future. The Intel community can handle Venezuela and the Islamo Fasicst world if done properly and without constraints of insane leftist meddling. Iraq is degrading into an all out civil war and there's nothing that more American dead can do to prevent this from happening. It's their country and they have to be responsible to themselves. Do you, dear reader, step between a married couple that is squabbling???? Only if you're a fool do you. If it's to the point it's physical, then you call the police and they pick up the pieces. Same concept. Once the fighting is over, the U.N. can help pick up the pieces. Our U.S. priority should/must be the Kurds and that's where we need a base!!! Not in Baghdad or anywhere within the Sunni/Shite areas of Iraq due to lack of any real security and trust of the locals to assist us. The Kurds have provent themselves otherwise to be loyal and respectful of and towards the U.S. Having a base so close to Iran would be very strategically sound too!! Do not forget Afghanistan as well in base building and the long term war against Islamic Fascism.
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Title Change...Again
Saturday, October 21, 2006 2:42 PM
Oops I did it again.....this is the third and hopefully final name change I'll do to this blog. It's said a name can make or break a business or business venture and that's how I began to feel about the previous titles I had slapped onto this blog. If this drives you nuts dear reader, my better half will top you with stories of me changing furniture around in the last house we lived in. I current home has blissfully maintained the present configuration for over two years...a record. Last house had issues, nuff said about that. Each title did reflect a part of me, CommonSenseWorld..well that was my common sense I realized and not yours. Centurion's Journal....would better fit me if I was on active duty in a quagmire like Iraq. BirdsEyeView.....I grew up around birds (racing pigeons and then every other conceivable kind my Dad could purchase), so I like birds and they do have a unique perspective on us humans...the supposive top of the food chain species. So, here we go, and if you read the first posting, I promised..a wild ride and just hang on. So let's post this and see how it looks.

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